Blog / Strategies for Successful Hunting of Northern Harriers in New York's Open Country

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

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Hunting Northern Harriers in New York's vast open country can be both exhilarating and challenging. These sleek raptors, known for their low flight patterns and keen eyesight, present a unique opportunity for hunters seeking a thrilling pursuit. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or new to the sport, employing effective strategies can significantly increase your chances of a successful hunt.

1. Scout the Terrain: Familiarize yourself with the hunting grounds beforehand. Northern Harriers prefer open fields, marshes, and grasslands. Look for areas with low vegetation where these birds typically hunt for small mammals and birds. Pay attention to their flight patterns and favorite hunting spots.

2. Concealment is Key: Northern Harriers have sharp eyesight, making concealment essential for a successful hunt. Utilize natural cover such as tall grass, bushes, or camouflage blinds to hide from their keen gaze. Blend into the environment to avoid detection and increase your chances of a close encounter.

3. Use Decoys: Employing decoys can be an effective strategy to lure Northern Harriers within range. Place decoys resembling small mammals or birds in open areas where the harriers frequently hunt. This can attract their attention and bring them within shooting range.

4. Optimize Your Gear: Choose appropriate gear for Northern Harrier hunting. Shotguns with modified or improved cylinder chokes are recommended for their wide spread, increasing the chances of hitting fast-moving targets. Additionally, lightweight camouflaged clothing and comfortable footwear are essential for mobility and stealth.

5. Timing is Everything: Plan your hunt during the early morning or late afternoon when Northern Harriers are most active. These birds are diurnal hunters, and hunting during their peak activity periods can maximize your chances of a successful encounter.

6. Patience and Persistence: Hunting Northern Harriers requires patience and persistence. Be prepared to spend hours observing their behavior and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Remain alert and focused, as these birds can appear suddenly and vanish just as quickly.

7. Respect Regulations and Safety: Familiarize yourself with local hunting regulations and obtain any necessary permits before embarking on your hunt. Practice firearm safety at all times and be mindful of your surroundings to ensure a safe and responsible hunting experience.

In conclusion, hunting Northern Harriers in New York's open country offers a thrilling challenge for hunters of all levels. By employing effective strategies such as scouting the terrain, concealing yourself, using decoys, optimizing your gear, timing your hunt, and exercising patience and persistence, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt.

For hunters looking to explore new hunting grounds and opportunities across America, visit Find A Hunt. We provide a comprehensive list of hunting outfitters offering guided hunts and experiences tailored to your preferences. Start your next hunting adventure with Find A Hunt today!