Blog / Successful bear hunting strategies in Vermont

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

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Title: Successful Bear Hunting Strategies in Vermont


Vermont, with its lush forests and diverse wildlife, provides ample opportunities for bear hunting enthusiasts. To ensure a successful bear hunting experience, it is essential to understand the unique characteristics of these magnificent creatures and employ effective strategies. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we will delve into some tried-and-true strategies for bear hunting in Vermont.

Scout the Terrain:

Before embarking on your bear hunting adventure, it is crucial to thoroughly scout the hunting area. Look for signs of bear activity such as tracks, scat, claw marks on trees, and overturned rocks. Familiarize yourself with the terrain, identifying potential feeding areas, water sources, and bedding sites. By understanding the bear's preferred habitat, you can strategically position yourself for a successful hunt.

Timing and Season:

Choosing the right time and season is vital for bear hunting in Vermont. Typically, the best time to hunt bears is during the early morning or late evening when they are most active. Additionally, consider the specific hunting season and regulations set by the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department. Familiarize yourself with the dates, legal hunting hours, and any special restrictions or permits required.


Baiting is a common and effective technique for bear hunting. Establishing bait sites with enticing food sources such as fruit, grains, or carrion can attract bears to specific areas, increasing your chances of a successful hunt. However, it is crucial to adhere to the local regulations and obtain the necessary permits for baiting. Remember to maintain a safe distance from the bait site and use scent control measures to minimize human odor.

Use Game Calls:

Game calls can be valuable tools for attracting bears within shooting range. Utilize calls that mimic the sounds of a distressed or mating bear to pique their curiosity. Electronic callers or manual calls, such as predator calls or fawn distress calls, can be effective in grabbing a bear's attention. Ensure you practice and become proficient in using game calls before heading into the field.

Utilize Tree Stands and Ground Blinds:

Tree stands and ground blinds offer hunters a vantage point and concealment, increasing the likelihood of a successful shot. When selecting a tree stand location, consider natural funnels or travel routes between food sources and bedding areas. Place your stand at a suitable height for a clear line of sight, ensuring your scent is minimized. Ground blinds, on the other hand, can provide mobility and flexibility while maintaining concealment.

Patience and Stealth:

Bear hunting requires patience and stealth. Bears have an acute sense of smell, excellent hearing, and are surprisingly agile. Move quietly, avoiding sudden movements or noise that could alert the bear to your presence. Use the wind to your advantage, positioning yourself downwind from the bear to minimize your scent. Remain patient and motionless, allowing the bear to come into view and present a clean shot.


Successful bear hunting in Vermont requires careful planning, knowledge of the terrain, and strategic execution. By scouting the area, understanding bear behavior, utilizing baiting techniques, employing game calls, and utilizing appropriate hunting gear, you can enhance your chances of a rewarding hunting experience. Remember to always adhere to local regulations, prioritize safety, and respect wildlife while enjoying the adventure of bear hunting. For more hunting tips and information, visit "Find A Hunt" and make the most of your Vermont bear hunting expeditions. Happy hunting!