Blog / Survival Skills Every Hunter Should Know

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, August 10, 2023

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Survival Skills Every Hunter Should Know

Hunting is not just a sport; it's a way to connect with nature, challenge oneself, and procure sustenance. However, the wilderness can be unpredictable, and even the most experienced hunters can find themselves in challenging situations. That's why it's crucial for every hunter to possess a solid set of survival skills. In this article, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we will explore some essential survival skills that every hunter should know to ensure a safe and successful outdoor experience.

1. Navigation and Orienteering

Before venturing into the wilderness, make sure you are equipped with proper navigation tools such as a map, compass, and GPS device. Familiarize yourself with how to use these tools effectively. Landmarks, terrain features, and tracking your movement can prevent you from getting lost. Always have a backup plan, and inform someone trustworthy about your hunting plans and expected return time.

2. Shelter Building

Unexpected weather changes or emergencies might require you to seek shelter. Knowing how to construct a makeshift shelter from available resources is a crucial skill. Learn how to create a debris shelter or improvise with tarps, branches, and natural materials. These shelters can shield you from harsh elements and provide a safe haven.

3. Fire Craft

Fire serves multiple purposes in a survival situation. It provides warmth, purifies water, cooks food, and offers a psychological boost. Master fire-starting techniques using various methods, such as friction, flint and steel, or waterproof matches. Always carry reliable fire-starting tools in your hunting gear.

4. Water Sourcing and Purification

Access to clean water is essential for survival. Learn to identify potential water sources in the wild, such as streams, rivers, and natural springs. However, don't consume water directly—use filtration techniques, purification tablets, or boiling to make it safe for consumption and prevent waterborne illnesses.

5. First Aid Skills

Accidents happen, and knowing basic first aid can make a significant difference in a survival scenario. Carry a well-stocked first aid kit and learn how to treat common injuries like cuts, sprains, and burns. Additionally, educate yourself about snake bites, allergic reactions, and hypothermia—common risks hunters may encounter.

6. Food Procurement

While hunting itself aims to provide food, it's important to know alternative ways to gather sustenance. Familiarize yourself with edible plants, insects, and small game that can supplement your diet if needed. Trapping and fishing skills can also prove invaluable for obtaining additional sources of nutrition.

7. Signaling for Help

In case you're lost or in danger, signaling for help can greatly improve your chances of rescue. Learn how to use reflective surfaces, whistles, smoke, or even improvised signals like arranging rocks or logs in specific patterns to attract attention from search parties or aircraft.

8. Mental Resilience

Survival situations can be mentally challenging. Stay positive, focused, and maintain a strong will to survive. Develop a survival mindset that keeps you adaptable and determined, helping you overcome fear and panic.

In conclusion, hunting is an adventure that requires not only hunting skills but also survival skills. Being prepared with these essential survival techniques can mean the difference between a safe return and a perilous situation. Remember, at Find A Hunt, we prioritize your safety and success in the wild. Happy hunting and stay safe out there!