Blog / Survival Skills for Hunters: What You Should Know

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

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Hunting is a time-honored tradition that has been practiced for thousands of years. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or just starting out, it's crucial to have the right survival skills to ensure a safe and successful hunting experience. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we'll discuss some essential survival skills that every hunter should know.

Navigation Skills:

One of the most critical skills for any hunter is navigation. Getting lost in the wilderness can be dangerous, so it's essential to know how to use a map and compass. GPS devices are also helpful, but they can fail or run out of battery. Learning to read the land and recognize natural landmarks can also be a lifesaver in case you lose your way.

Fire-Making Skills:

Fire can provide warmth, light, and a means to cook food. Every hunter should know how to start a fire using various methods, such as matches, lighters, fire starters, or primitive techniques like friction fire. Make sure to carry fire-starting equipment in your hunting gear, even if you don't anticipate needing it.

Shelter Building:

Unforeseen circumstances, such as sudden weather changes or getting lost, might require you to build a temporary shelter. Learn basic shelter-building skills using available materials like branches, leaves, or a tarp. It's a valuable skill to have in your survival toolkit.

First Aid:

Accidents can happen during a hunt, and being prepared with first aid knowledge can save lives. Carry a well-stocked first-aid kit and learn how to treat common injuries like cuts, sprains, and insect bites. Also, know how to recognize and respond to more severe injuries while awaiting professional help.

Water Procurement:

Staying hydrated is crucial for survival. Knowing how to find, purify, and store water in the wild is essential. Invest in a portable water filter and carry a water container to ensure you can access safe drinking water.

Hunting Skills:

Of course, hunting skills are paramount for a successful hunting trip. Know your target species, their habits, and the regulations in your hunting area. Practice marksmanship and firearm safety to make clean and ethical kills. Additionally, learn how to field dress and process game properly.

Food Procurement:

In case your hunting expedition doesn't yield results, knowing how to forage for edible plants and identify wildlife tracks can help you find alternative food sources. Take the time to learn about local flora and fauna to supplement your diet if necessary.

Survival Mindset:

Maintaining a positive and resilient mindset is vital in survival situations. Panic can lead to poor decisions, so stay calm, think clearly, and adapt to changing circumstances. Stay focused on your goal of getting back to safety.

Survival skills are an essential part of being a responsible and skilled hunter. By mastering navigation, fire-making, shelter building, first aid, water procurement, hunting skills, food procurement, and maintaining a survival mindset, you can significantly increase your chances of a safe and successful hunting experience. Remember that preparation and practice are key, and always prioritize safety when you head out into the wild. "Find A Hunt" wishes you a safe and fruitful hunting season!