Blog / Tactics for Hunting Kansas's Upland Birds: Pheasant and Quail

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, September 05, 2023

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Tactics for Hunting Kansas's Upland Birds: Pheasant and Quail

Hunting upland birds like pheasants and quails in the scenic landscapes of Kansas is an exhilarating experience that requires a combination of skill, strategy, and knowledge. With its vast prairies, rolling hills, and abundant fields, Kansas offers hunters from all over the opportunity to pursue these elusive game birds. In this guide, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we'll delve into effective tactics that can help you maximize your success during your upland bird hunting adventure in Kansas.

1. Scout the Terrain

Before setting out on your hunting expedition, take time to thoroughly scout the hunting area. Look for signs of bird activity such as tracks, droppings, and feathers. Upland birds are often found near food sources, water, and suitable cover. Focus on edges where different types of habitat meet, as these areas provide a mix of food and cover that attract birds.

2. Choose the Right Time

Timing plays a crucial role in upland bird hunting. Early mornings and late afternoons are prime times as birds tend to be more active during these periods. Plan your hunt accordingly and be ready to make the most of these windows of opportunity. Additionally, consider weather conditions; overcast days or light drizzles can increase bird activity.

3. Utilize Well-Trained Dogs

Well-trained hunting dogs, such as pointers and setters, are invaluable assets in upland bird hunting. They have a keen sense of smell and can help you locate birds that might be otherwise hidden. Make sure your dog is properly trained to follow commands and work well with you as a team.

4. Opt for Proper Gear

Having the right equipment is essential for a successful hunt. Ensure you have a shotgun with the appropriate choke for the type of birds you're targeting. Use shotgun shells that are optimized for upland game hunting. Dress in camouflage clothing that blends in with the surroundings, and don't forget essential accessories such as a hunting vest, comfortable boots, and safety gear.

5. Practice Stealth and Patience

Approach the hunting area with caution and move quietly. Birds have keen senses, especially hearing, so minimizing noise is crucial. Walk slowly and pause frequently to listen for bird calls. Patience is key; waiting quietly in a concealed spot can yield rewarding results as birds move about.

6. Understand Bird Behavior

Pheasants and quails have distinct behaviors that can guide your hunting strategy. Pheasants are more likely to run than fly when disturbed, so be prepared for quick and ground-based pursuits. Quails, on the other hand, prefer to escape by flying short distances and seeking cover in shrubs or grass. Learning these behaviors can help you anticipate their movements.

7. Focus on Teamwork

Hunting upland birds is often a group effort, especially when using hunting dogs. Effective communication among hunters is essential to prevent accidents and to coordinate strategies. Assign roles, share information about bird sightings, and support each other to create a safe and successful hunting environment.


Hunting upland birds like pheasants and quails in the beautiful landscapes of Kansas is an adventure that requires careful planning and execution. By scouting the terrain, choosing the right time, utilizing well-trained dogs, having proper gear, practicing stealth and patience, understanding bird behavior, and emphasizing teamwork, you can increase your chances of a rewarding and memorable hunting experience. Remember, respecting the environment, following hunting regulations, and promoting ethical hunting practices are equally important aspects of any successful upland bird hunting trip. So gear up, head out to the Kansas prairies, and make the most of your next hunting expedition with the expertise and support of Find A Hunt.