Blog / Tactics for Successful Dove Hunting in the Sunflower and Milo Fields of Kansas

By Connor Thomas
Friday, February 09, 2024

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Dove hunting in the sunflower and milo fields of Kansas offers a unique and thrilling experience for hunters. With the right tactics and approach, hunters can increase their chances of a successful outing in these picturesque landscapes. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or new to the sport, mastering these tactics can make all the difference in your hunting success.

1. Scout the Area: Before heading out for your hunt, take the time to scout the sunflower and milo fields where doves are known to frequent. Look for areas with abundant food sources, such as freshly harvested fields or areas with standing crops. Pay attention to flight patterns and roosting locations to determine the best spots for setting up your blind or decoys.

2. Concealment is Key: Doves have keen eyesight and can easily detect movement, so it's essential to blend into your surroundings. Use natural vegetation or a camouflage blind to conceal yourself from approaching birds. Avoid wearing bright colors or anything that may catch the sunlight and give away your position.

3. Set Up Decoys: Placing decoys strategically can attract doves to your hunting area. Use a mix of stationary and spinning decoys to create a realistic flock that will lure passing birds. Position decoys near cover or food sources to make them more enticing to incoming doves.

4. Practice Patience: Dove hunting requires patience and persistence. It's not uncommon to have periods of inactivity followed by sudden bursts of action. Stay alert and focused, as doves can appear suddenly and offer only fleeting shots. Be prepared to take quick, accurate shots when the opportunity arises.

5. Use Calls Sparingly: While calls can be effective for attracting doves, it's essential to use them sparingly and realistically. Mimic the natural cooing sounds of doves to lure birds within range, but avoid overcalling, which can spook wary birds. Pay attention to the responses of nearby doves and adjust your calling accordingly.

6. Practice Shooting Skills: Dove hunting often involves fast-paced shooting at small, agile targets. Before heading into the field, spend time practicing your shooting skills to improve accuracy and consistency. Focus on leading your shots and maintaining proper form to increase your chances of success.

Hunting doves in the sunflower and milo fields of Kansas offers a thrilling and rewarding experience for outdoor enthusiasts. By employing the right tactics, such as scouting the area, concealing yourself effectively, and using decoys strategically, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt. Remember to practice patience, use calls sparingly, and hone your shooting skills to make the most of your time in the field.

Ready to embark on your next dove hunting adventure? Visit Find A Hunt to discover hunting outfitters across America that can help you plan the ultimate hunting experience. With a wide range of options available, you're sure to find the perfect destination for your next hunting trip. Check out Find A Hunt today and start planning your next outdoor adventure!