Blog / Tales of Hunts Gone Wrong: Lessons from the Field

By Connor Thomas
Monday, September 11, 2023

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Hunting is a thrilling and time-honored tradition enjoyed by millions of people around the world. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or just starting out, there's always something new to learn from the field. In this article, we'll explore some harrowing tales of hunts gone wrong and extract valuable lessons that can help make your hunting experiences safer and more successful. These stories and insights are brought to you by "Find A Hunt," your trusted source for hunting adventures and information.

The Lost Hunter:

One of the most common hunting mishaps is getting lost in the wilderness. It can happen to anyone, even experienced hunters. In a remote part of the Rockies, John, an avid hunter, went out alone to track a trophy buck. As darkness fell, he realized he had lost his bearings. Fortunately, he had a satellite communicator, which he used to call for help. Lesson learned: Always carry navigation tools and know how to use them. A GPS device or a smartphone with GPS capabilities can be a lifesaver.

The Misfired Shot:

In Texas, during a deer hunt, Sarah, a first-time hunter, spotted a magnificent buck. Excitement got the best of her, and she took a hurried shot, missing her target and injuring the animal. The buck ran off, leaving Sarah with an ethical dilemma and a valuable lesson: Practice patience and ensure a clean, ethical shot. Rushed shots can result in wounded animals and a poor hunting experience.

The Gear Failure:

Mark, an experienced hunter, was on a bear hunting expedition in Alaska. During a crucial moment, his rifle malfunctioned due to extreme cold. He was left helpless as the bear charged. Fortunately, his guide had a backup rifle and was able to save the day. Lesson learned: Always carry backup gear, especially in harsh environments where equipment failure can be life-threatening.

The Unprepared Hiker:

Alex, an adventurous hunter, decided to go elk hunting in the Rockies without proper preparation. He underestimated the altitude and terrain, leading to altitude sickness and exhaustion. He had to be airlifted to safety. Lesson learned: Know your limits, train for the physical demands of hunting, and be prepared for the environment you'll be hunting in.

The Disoriented Bowhunter:

Emily, an experienced bowhunter, was on a solo hunt in dense forest. After a successful kill, she became disoriented while tracking her way back to camp. She spent a night in the wilderness before search and rescue teams found her. Lesson learned: Always inform someone of your hunting plans, carry a map, and mark your trail to avoid getting lost.


Hunting is not only a sport but a way to connect with nature and test one's skills. However, as these tales of hunts gone wrong illustrate, it can also be fraught with challenges and dangers. By learning from these stories, we can make our hunting adventures safer and more enjoyable.

"Find A Hunt" is committed to providing valuable information and resources to hunters of all levels. Whether you're planning your next big hunt or seeking advice on safety and ethics, remember that knowledge and preparation are your best allies in the field. Happy hunting, and may your experiences be filled with success and lessons learned.