Blog / Tennessee Waterfowl Hunting: How to Decoy Ducks for Better Hunting

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, July 27, 2023

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Title: Tennessee Waterfowl Hunting: How to Decoy Ducks for Better Hunting


Welcome to Find A Hunt, your ultimate guide to hunting strategies and tips. In this article, we will explore the art of Tennessee waterfowl hunting and discuss the essential techniques for decoying ducks effectively. Decoying is a crucial aspect of waterfowl hunting, as it mimics the natural behavior of ducks and entices them to come within range. By mastering this skill, you can significantly improve your chances of a successful and memorable hunting experience.

Selecting the Right Decoys

When it comes to waterfowl hunting, having the appropriate decoys is essential. Different species of ducks respond to various decoys, so it's essential to select decoys that mimic the ducks you are targeting. For Tennessee waterfowl hunting, mallards, wood ducks, and teal decoys are typically the most effective choices. Ensure that your decoys are in good condition, have realistic paint patterns, and are designed to float naturally on the water.

Strategic Decoy Placement

Proper placement of decoys is crucial to attract ducks within shooting range. A common setup is to create a spread that imitates a relaxed group of ducks on the water. Consider placing the decoys in a U or V shape, with an opening or landing zone where you expect the ducks to approach from. Also, leave enough space between each decoy to give the appearance of a natural resting flock.

Utilize Motion Decoys

Incorporating motion decoys can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your spread. Ducks are naturally attracted to movement, so adding spinning-wing decoys or those with lifelike movement can create a more realistic and enticing scene. However, be mindful of local hunting regulations, as some areas might have restrictions on the use of certain types of motion decoys.

Camouflage and Concealment

Waterfowl are known for their keen eyesight, so concealing yourself and your hunting equipment is vital. Use natural vegetation, such as reeds or brush, to blend into your surroundings. Ensure that your clothing and hunting gear are appropriately camouflaged to avoid detection. Remaining still and quiet in your blind is essential to avoid alerting the ducks.

Calling Techniques

Calling is an essential skill for any waterfowl hunter. Practice various duck calls to imitate different vocalizations, including quacks, feeding calls, and greeting calls. Pay attention to the ducks' response, and adjust your calling accordingly. It's crucial to sound natural and avoid overcalling, as experienced ducks might become wary if they sense something is amiss.

Patience and Observation

Patience is the key to successful waterfowl hunting. Observe the ducks' behavior and learn their patterns. If you notice ducks flying to a specific area, be prepared to adapt your decoy spread and calling techniques accordingly. Remember that waterfowl hunting requires you to blend into the environment and wait for the right opportunity to strike.


Tennessee waterfowl hunting offers a thrilling and rewarding experience for avid hunters. Mastering the art of decoying ducks is essential to improving your hunting success. Remember to select the right decoys, strategically place them, incorporate motion decoys, practice effective calling, and prioritize camouflage and concealment. With patience, observation, and the right techniques, you'll be well on your way to a successful waterfowl hunting season in Tennessee. Happy hunting from Find A Hunt!