Blog / The Art of Calling Game: Techniques and Tools

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

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In the world of hunting, the ability to call game is a skill that can make the difference between a successful hunt and a fruitless day in the field. Whether you're an experienced hunter or just starting out, mastering the art of calling game is essential for increasing your chances of success. In this article, we will explore various techniques and tools that can help you become a more effective game caller, brought to you by "Find A Hunt."

Understanding the Basics:

Before delving into the techniques and tools, it's crucial to understand the basics of calling game. Game calling involves mimicking the sounds and communication of the target species to attract them or deceive them into approaching your location. Different animals respond to various calls, so it's essential to research the specific game you're hunting and learn about their vocalizations and behavior.

Techniques for Game Calling:

Mouth Calls: Mouth calls, also known as diaphragm calls, are popular among hunters for their versatility. They can produce a wide range of sounds, such as turkey yelps, elk bugles, or duck quacks. Learning to control mouth calls effectively takes practice, but they can be incredibly effective when mastered.

Box Calls: Box calls are commonly used for turkey hunting. They are user-friendly and produce clear, realistic turkey sounds when operated correctly. By moving the lid across the box, you can mimic various turkey calls, making it a valuable tool for turkey hunters.

Electronic Calls: Electronic game calls are powered devices that produce recorded animal sounds. These are particularly useful for predators like coyotes and foxes. Electronic calls offer consistency in sound and volume, making them a reliable choice.

Hand Calls: Hand calls, like deer grunt tubes or elk bugle tubes, are designed to mimic specific vocalizations of game animals. These calls are relatively easy to use and can be effective for attracting game during the rutting season.

Decoys: While not technically a call, decoys play a crucial role in game calling. They visually attract animals and, when used in combination with calls, can enhance your success rate. Decoys can be especially useful for species like waterfowl and turkey.

Tools for Game Calling:

Smartphone Apps: Many hunting apps offer a variety of game call sounds that you can play on your smartphone. These apps are convenient and can be an affordable option for hunters looking to expand their calling repertoire.

Camouflage Clothing: Staying hidden from the keen eyes of game animals is essential when calling them in. Invest in high-quality camouflage clothing that matches your hunting environment to remain undetected.

Optics: Good binoculars or a spotting scope can help you spot game from a distance, giving you more time to plan your approach and use your calls effectively.

Wind Indicator: A wind indicator can help you determine the direction of the wind, allowing you to position yourself upwind of your target and avoid being detected by your scent.

The art of calling game is a valuable skill that can significantly improve your hunting success. By mastering various techniques and selecting the right tools, you can become a more effective game caller and increase your chances of a successful hunt. Remember to practice, research your target species, and always prioritize safety and ethical hunting practices. Happy hunting, brought to you by "Find A Hunt."