Blog / The Beauty of Morning Vs. Evening Hunts

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

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Hunting, an age-old tradition that has evolved over centuries, brings a unique blend of challenges and rewards. As hunters, we often find ourselves debating the merits of morning hunts versus evening hunts. Each has its own allure, and the choice between them can make or break a successful hunt. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we will explore the distinctive characteristics of morning and evening hunts, helping you decide which time of day best suits your hunting preferences.

Morning Hunts:

The Serenity of Dawn:

Morning hunts offer hunters the chance to experience the tranquility of nature as it awakens. As the first rays of sunlight pierce through the darkness, the woods come alive with a symphony of birdsong and the rustling of wildlife. This peaceful ambiance can be a spiritually enriching experience for any hunter.

Ideal Temperatures:

The cooler temperatures of the morning can work to your advantage. Game animals tend to be more active in the early hours, making it easier to spot and track them. Additionally, scent control is often more manageable in the mornings due to the minimal thermal activity.

Better Shot Opportunities:

With the increased activity of wildlife in the morning, hunters have a higher chance of getting a clean shot. Animals are often more focused on feeding or moving around, providing opportunities for hunters to make accurate shots.

Evening Hunts:

The Magic of Twilight:

Evening hunts have their unique charm, as they allow you to witness the transition from daylight to dusk. The play of colors in the sky during sunset can be a breathtaking sight. This time of day also coincides with the return of many game animals to their feeding areas.

Warming Temperatures:

As the day warms up, some animals become more active during the evening. If you prefer a bit more warmth and can handle the changing winds, evening hunts might be the ideal choice for you.

Strategic Ambush:

Evening hunts are excellent for setting up strategic ambushes. You can position yourself between feeding areas and bedding areas, increasing your chances of intercepting game animals as they move.

Choosing the Right Time:

Ultimately, the choice between morning and evening hunts depends on your personal preferences, the game you're pursuing, and the specific hunting conditions. Here are some tips for making an informed decision:

Know Your Game: Research the habits and patterns of the specific game you're hunting. Some animals are more active in the morning, while others prefer the evening.

Weather Considerations: Pay attention to weather forecasts. Certain weather conditions, such as wind and temperature fluctuations, can influence game activity.

Scouting: Prior scouting of your hunting area can provide valuable insights into the best times for hunting. Look for tracks, droppings, and other signs of game activity.

Regulations: Be sure to adhere to local hunting regulations, which may restrict hunting times or specify seasonal variations in game activity.


Both morning and evening hunts offer their own unique advantages and appeal. "Find A Hunt" understands that the beauty of hunting lies in the variety it offers, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the morning vs. evening debate. Ultimately, it's about connecting with nature, challenging your skills, and embracing the unpredictable beauty of the great outdoors. So, whether you're an early riser or a sunset chaser, remember that each hunt is an adventure waiting to unfold.