Blog / The Best Hunting Strategies for Early Morning

By Connor Thomas
Friday, December 22, 2023

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As the sun begins to cast its first rays over the horizon, dedicated hunters know that the early morning hours offer some of the most promising opportunities to connect with their quarry. Early morning hunting requires a combination of preparation, skill, and patience. In this article, we'll delve into some of the best hunting strategies for early mornings, brought to you by "Find A Hunt."

Scout Your Hunting Grounds

Successful early morning hunting begins long before the sun rises. Scouting your hunting grounds in advance is essential for understanding the movement patterns of your target game. Spend time studying the terrain, identifying game trails, and locating potential bedding areas. Knowing where your prey is likely to be at dawn can significantly increase your chances of success.

Set Up Early

The adage "the early bird catches the worm" holds true for hunting as well. Arrive at your hunting location well before sunrise to avoid disturbing the area as you settle in. This early start allows you to find a comfortable and concealed spot, ensuring you're in place when game animals start moving.

Concealment and Camouflage

Camouflage is crucial for blending into the environment and avoiding detection by keen-eyed wildlife. Choose camouflage clothing that matches the terrain and vegetation of your hunting area. Additionally, use natural cover, such as blinds or tree stands, to break up your outline and remain hidden from sight.

Quiet and Slow Movement

In the stillness of early morning, even the slightest noise can carry a long way and alert game animals to your presence. Move quietly and deliberately, taking slow and measured steps. Avoid stepping on branches or rustling leaves that can give away your position.

Use Scent Control

Game animals have an acute sense of smell, making scent control essential for early morning hunting success. Shower with scent-free soap, use scent-eliminating sprays, and store your hunting gear in scent-resistant bags to minimize your odor. Additionally, hunt into the wind to prevent your scent from reaching your quarry.

Employ Decoys and Calls

Using decoys and calls can be particularly effective during the early morning hours when game animals are actively seeking companionship. Employ decoys that mimic the opposite sex of your target species and use calls to imitate their vocalizations. This can pique the interest of nearby animals and bring them closer to your location.

Be Patient

Early morning hunting often requires a good deal of patience. Animals may take their time moving about, and it might be hours before you have a shot opportunity. Stay still, remain vigilant, and be prepared to wait for the right moment to take your shot.

Know Legal Shooting Hours

Different regions and hunting seasons have specific legal shooting hours. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these regulations to avoid hunting during restricted times. Typically, legal shooting hours begin at sunrise and end at sunset, but it's essential to confirm the exact times for your specific location and season.

Early morning hunting can be a rewarding experience for those willing to put in the effort and employ the right strategies. By scouting your hunting grounds, setting up early, using camouflage, moving quietly, controlling scent, using decoys and calls, practicing patience, and knowing legal shooting hours, you can maximize your chances of success during those precious early morning hours. "Find A Hunt" wishes you safe and successful hunting adventures as you implement these strategies in your pursuit of game.