Blog / The Best Hunting Times

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

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Hunting is a time-honored tradition for many, and it requires a great deal of knowledge and skill to be successful. One of the most important aspects of hunting is knowing when the best time to hunt is. Understanding the natural patterns and behaviors of deer is key to determining the best hunting times, as they are active at different times of the day and night, depending on their needs.

Deer are most active during the twilight hours of dawn and dusk, which is known as the crepuscular period. However, they can also be active during other times of the day or night, especially if they are seeking food, water, safety, or a mate. Understanding the factors that drive their movements allows hunters to predict where they will go and when they will get there.

Cover and safety are essential for deer, as they seek out dense cover for protection from predators and humans. They have several preferred bedding areas that they use throughout the year, and they choose their bedding sites based on prevailing winds and thermals. Deer take short naps, lasting from 30 seconds to several minutes, with brief periods of alertness, and they stand up to stretch every 30 minutes or so.

When it comes to food, deer feed five times a day, consuming three different types of food. They prefer the most nutritious and palatable parts of plants, which they later regurgitate and chew as cud. Understanding their feeding habits and positioning yourself near their route between cover and a nutritious food source can increase the likelihood of a successful hunt.

In conclusion, to be a successful hunter, it's crucial to understand the natural patterns and behaviors of deer. Knowing the best hunting times, the location of food sources, and the location of bedding areas can give you a significant advantage in the field. By using this knowledge to plan your hunts, you can increase your chances of success and become a more confident hunter.