Blog / The Best Strategies for Early-Season Bear Hunting

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, January 04, 2024

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As the leaves begin to change and the air turns crisp, avid hunters eagerly anticipate the start of the early-season bear hunting. It's a thrilling time of the year, offering a unique opportunity to pursue one of North America's most majestic and elusive game animals. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we will explore the best strategies for early-season bear hunting to help you make the most of this exciting hunting season.

Scouting and Preseason Preparation:

Successful early-season bear hunting starts well before opening day. Begin your preparations by scouting the hunting area for signs of bear activity. Look for fresh tracks, scat, and claw marks on trees. Trail cameras can be a valuable tool to monitor bear movements and identify key areas.

Ensure that you are familiar with local regulations, season dates, and any specific hunting requirements in your chosen hunting area. Properly maintain your hunting gear and firearms to avoid any last-minute surprises that might affect your chances of success.

Focus on Food Sources:

During the early season, bears are typically focused on bulking up before hibernation. They are drawn to areas abundant with food sources such as berry patches, apple orchards, and cornfields. Understanding the bear's diet in your region is crucial.

Set up your hunting blind or tree stand near these food sources, as bears are more likely to frequent these areas, offering you a prime opportunity to harvest one.

Optimal Time and Weather Conditions:

Early-season bear hunting is often most productive during the early morning and late evening hours when bears are most active. Pay close attention to weather conditions, as cooler temperatures and overcast days tend to increase bear movement.

Use Attractive Scents and Calls:

Bears have an excellent sense of smell, making scent lures and calls effective tools in your hunting arsenal. Utilize bear attractants like bear-specific scents and baiting techniques where legal. Calls imitating the sounds of bears in distress or mating calls can also pique a bear's curiosity.

Patience and Stealth:

Bear hunting requires patience and stealth. When you're in your stand or blind, remain quiet and avoid unnecessary movements. Bears have acute hearing and can easily detect noise. Sit still and stay alert, as bears can suddenly appear.

Shot Placement:

Proper shot placement is crucial to ensuring a quick and humane kill. Aim for vital organs such as the heart and lungs to bring down the bear swiftly. Take the time to practice your marksmanship and be confident in your shooting abilities.

Safety First:

Remember that bears are powerful and potentially dangerous animals. Always prioritize safety when hunting bears. Carry bear spray, a first-aid kit, and be prepared to react calmly in case of a close encounter. Familiarize yourself with proper bear encounter protocols in your hunting area.

Early-season bear hunting offers a unique and thrilling experience for hunters. By implementing these strategies and tips from "Find A Hunt," you can increase your chances of a successful and safe hunt. Remember to always hunt ethically, follow local regulations, and respect the wilderness as you pursue these majestic creatures in the early season. Good luck and happy hunting!