Blog / The Best Strategies for Early-Season Elk Hunting

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, January 04, 2024

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Early-season elk hunting presents unique challenges and opportunities for hunters looking to fill their tags. As the leaves change and the temperatures drop, elk begin their annual migration to lower elevations, making them more accessible for hunters. In this article, we will explore the best strategies for early-season elk hunting, helping you increase your chances of a successful hunt. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a novice, these tips will improve your odds of finding and bagging that trophy bull. At Find A Hunt, we're committed to helping you make the most of your hunting experience.

Scouting is Key:

Before heading out for early-season elk hunting, spend time scouting the area. Use maps, trail cameras, and your own observations to identify elk movement patterns, feeding areas, and bedding sites. Elk are creatures of habit, and understanding their routines will give you a significant advantage when the season begins.

Glassing and Spotting:

Once you've identified promising areas, invest in quality optics like binoculars and spotting scopes. Glassing from a distance will help you spot elk without alerting them to your presence. Early mornings and late afternoons are prime times for glassing, as elk are often active during these cooler periods.

Learn Elk Vocalizations:

Elk communicate with various calls throughout the year, and understanding their vocalizations can be a game-changer. Learning to mimic cow calls, bugles, and other elk sounds can help you draw elk closer or locate them more easily. Practice these calls before your hunt to improve your chances of success.

Set Up Early and Stay Patient:

Early-season elk hunting often involves long periods of waiting. Once you locate elk, set up well in advance of their anticipated path and wait patiently. Elk can be skittish, so remaining still and silent is crucial. Be prepared to hold your position for extended periods, as elk may take their time before moving into range.

Pay Attention to Wind and Thermals:

Elk have a keen sense of smell, so always pay attention to wind direction and thermal currents. Plan your approach and positioning based on the wind to ensure that your scent is not carried towards the elk. Utilize the wind to your advantage to remain undetected.

Choose the Right Gear:

Early-season elk hunting can involve varying weather conditions, so be prepared with appropriate gear. Layer your clothing for warmth and moisture management, and make sure you have quality footwear for long hikes. A comfortable, well-fitted backpack is essential for carrying gear and any harvested elk.

Hunt at Higher Elevations:

During the early season, elk are typically at higher elevations where the temperatures are cooler. As the day warms up, they may move downhill. Starting your hunt at higher elevations and gradually working your way down can be a productive strategy.

Early-season elk hunting can be a rewarding experience with the right strategies and preparation. By scouting, using quality optics, learning elk vocalizations, setting up patiently, considering wind and thermals, choosing the right gear, and hunting at higher elevations, you can increase your chances of success. Remember that elk hunting requires dedication, knowledge, and perseverance, but the thrill of encountering these majestic animals in the wilderness is worth every effort. At Find A Hunt, we wish you a safe and successful early-season elk hunt. Good luck!