Blog / The Best Strategies for Early-Season Goose Hunting

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, January 04, 2024

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Early-season goose hunting is an exciting time for waterfowl enthusiasts, offering unique challenges and opportunities for success. As the temperatures begin to drop and the leaves change colors, hunters eagerly anticipate the start of the hunting season. To help you make the most of your early-season goose hunting adventures, Find A Hunt has compiled a list of the best strategies to ensure a successful and enjoyable hunt.

Scout the Right Locations

Successful goose hunting starts with scouting the right locations. Early-season geese often prefer different feeding and resting areas than they do later in the season. Look for fields and bodies of water where geese have been feeding and roosting, and obtain permission to hunt on private land if necessary. Public hunting areas can also be productive if you do your research and arrive early.

Concealment is Key

Early-season geese can be particularly wary, so it's crucial to blend in with your surroundings. Invest in quality camouflage clothing and face paint to break up your outline. Utilize blinds or natural cover such as tall grass, cornfields, or layout blinds, and make sure you are well-hidden to avoid spooking the geese.

Use Decoys Wisely

Early-season goose hunting requires a well-thought-out decoy spread. While geese may not have seen much hunting pressure yet, they are still cautious. Use a mix of full-body and shell decoys to mimic a natural flock of geese. Pay attention to the wind direction and set up your decoys accordingly, as geese prefer to land into the wind.

Call with Precision

Goose calling can make or break your hunt, so practice your calls to sound like a convincing goose. Early-season geese tend to be more vocal and responsive, so use a variety of calls to imitate different goose sounds, including feeding, greeting, and content calls. Less can often be more, so avoid overcalling, as this can make geese suspicious.

Timing is Everything

Early-season goose hunting requires careful timing. Geese are typically more active during the early morning and late afternoon hours. Set up well before sunrise and be patient. Avoid calling too aggressively, and let the geese come to you naturally. Patience is often rewarded in the early season.

Stay Informed

Stay up-to-date with local regulations and hunting seasons. Check for any changes in bag limits, hunting hours, or restrictions that may apply to your specific hunting area. Being well-informed ensures you stay within the legal boundaries while enjoying your hunt responsibly.

Safety First

Safety should always be a top priority when hunting. Make sure to wear blaze orange or other highly visible clothing when walking to and from your hunting spot. Communicate your location to a trusted friend or family member and carry essential safety gear, such as a first aid kit and a fully charged mobile phone.

Early-season goose hunting offers a thrilling start to the waterfowl hunting season. By scouting the right locations, concealing yourself effectively, using decoys wisely, mastering your calling techniques, and paying attention to timing, you can greatly increase your chances of success. Stay informed about local regulations and prioritize safety during your hunts. With these strategies in mind, you'll be well on your way to a rewarding early-season goose hunting experience.

For more hunting tips, information on hunting locations, and gear recommendations, visit Find A Hunt – your trusted source for all things hunting. Happy hunting!