Blog / The Best Strategies for Early-Season Grouse Hunting

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, January 09, 2024

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Grouse hunting is a thrilling outdoor pursuit that requires skill, patience, and knowledge of the game bird's habits. For hunters looking to start their season off right, early-season grouse hunting can be a rewarding experience. In this article, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we will delve into the best strategies and tips to maximize your success during the early grouse hunting season.

Scout Early and Scout Often

Before the hunting season begins, it's crucial to scout the areas you plan to hunt. Early-season grouse can be found in different habitats, including young forests, brushy fields, and even along woodland edges. The key is to locate their preferred feeding and roosting sites. Spend time studying the terrain, paying close attention to the presence of fresh droppings, tracks, and feeding signs. This information will help you pinpoint the best spots for your early-season hunt.

Timing is Everything

Early-season grouse hunting typically starts in late summer or early fall, depending on your location. Knowing the local regulations and opening dates is essential to plan your hunt. Keep in mind that the birds are still in their summer behavior patterns during the early season. They are more focused on feeding and less wary of hunters. To maximize your success, choose a hunting date within the first few weeks of the season when grouse are still relatively predictable and easier to locate.

Employ Proper Gear and Techniques

Grouse hunting requires specific gear and techniques. Here are some essentials:

a. Shotgun: Choose a shotgun with an improved cylinder or modified choke to cover a range of distances effectively.

b. Ammunition: Use appropriate shot sizes like #7.5 or #8 for grouse hunting. Smaller pellets create a denser pattern and are less likely to damage the meat.

c. Hunting Dogs: If you have access to well-trained bird dogs, they can be invaluable for flushing and retrieving grouse.

d. Camouflage: Wear camouflage clothing that matches the terrain to blend in seamlessly.

Focus on Feeding Areas

During the early season, grouse are heavily focused on feeding. They consume a variety of foods, including berries, insects, and tender vegetation. Look for areas with a mix of these food sources, and pay attention to signs of recent feeding, such as discarded berry remains or pecked leaves. By concentrating on these feeding areas, you increase your chances of encountering grouse.

Be Patient and Methodical

Grouse hunting often involves waiting quietly in promising areas and listening for the distinctive "thump" sound made by flushing birds. Approach potential cover areas slowly and carefully, as grouse are known to hold tight until the last moment before taking flight. When a grouse flushes, stay alert and take a quick, accurate shot.

Safety First

Always prioritize safety while hunting. Be aware of your surroundings, and ensure you are visible to other hunters in the area. Practice safe firearm handling and follow all hunting regulations and guidelines to prevent accidents.

Early-season grouse hunting is an exciting opportunity for hunters to kickstart their season with success. By scouting, timing your hunt correctly, using the right gear and techniques, and focusing on feeding areas, you can increase your chances of a rewarding early-season grouse hunt. Remember to prioritize safety, and for more hunting tips and resources, visit Find A Hunt. Happy hunting!