Blog / The Best Strategies for Early-Season Waterfowl Hunting

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, January 04, 2024

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When the early hunting season arrives, waterfowl enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the opportunity to head out into the wetlands, marshes, and lakes in pursuit of their feathered quarry. Early-season waterfowl hunting presents its own unique challenges and opportunities. In this article, we'll explore the best strategies to help you maximize your success during this exciting time of year. Whether you're a seasoned waterfowl hunter or just starting, these tips will prove valuable for your next hunt.

Scout the Locations:

One of the most crucial aspects of early-season waterfowl hunting is scouting. Before you head out, spend some time locating the best hunting spots. Look for areas with abundant food sources, water, and suitable cover for concealment. Waterfowl tend to follow their food sources, so knowing where these locations are can significantly increase your chances of a successful hunt.

Gear Preparation:

Early-season hunts often mean warm weather, so ensure your gear is suitable for these conditions. Lightweight and breathable camouflage clothing is essential to stay comfortable while waiting for your prey. In addition, ensure your decoys and calls are in top shape. Realistic decoy spreads and proficient calling can be the difference between attracting ducks and geese or sending them flying away.

Early Morning Setup:

Waterfowl are most active during the early hours of the morning, so set up your blinds and decoys before dawn. This will give you the best opportunity to catch them as they fly from their roosting sites to their feeding areas. Quietly and stealthily get into your hunting spot to avoid spooking the birds.


Camouflage and concealment are paramount in waterfowl hunting. Ensure your blind or hide offers excellent concealment from the watchful eyes of the birds. Use natural vegetation or a well-designed layout blind to blend into the environment. Be sure to keep movement to a minimum and stay still when ducks or geese are approaching.

Calling Techniques:

Early-season waterfowl may be less responsive to aggressive calling, as they are not as territorial as later in the season. Use soft, subtle calls to mimic the sounds of contented ducks or geese. Experiment with different calls and observe the birds' reactions to determine the most effective approach for that particular day.


Waterfowl hunting often requires patience. Ducks and geese can be wary, and they might circle multiple times before committing to land. Be patient and wait for the right moment to take your shots. Rushing shots can result in missed opportunities.

Stay Informed:

Keep an eye on weather forecasts and migration reports. Weather patterns can influence bird behavior, and knowing when a cold front is approaching or when migration is expected to peak can help you plan your hunts more effectively.

Early-season waterfowl hunting is a thrilling pursuit that demands skill, preparation, and patience. By scouting locations, preparing your gear, setting up before dawn, perfecting your concealment, using appropriate calling techniques, and staying informed, you can significantly improve your chances of success. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or just starting, these strategies will help you make the most of your early-season waterfowl hunting adventures.

At Find A Hunt, we are dedicated to providing hunting enthusiasts with valuable information and resources to enhance their hunting experiences. Stay safe, enjoy the great outdoors, and have a successful early-season waterfowl hunt!