Blog / The Best Times to Hunt Various Game: A Detailed Guide

By Connor Thomas
Friday, December 22, 2023

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Hunting is a time-honored tradition that requires skill, patience, and a deep understanding of the habits and behaviors of the game you're pursuing. One key aspect of a successful hunting trip is timing. Knowing when to be in the field can make the difference between a fruitful day and an empty bag. In this comprehensive guide, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we'll explore the best times to hunt various game species, offering valuable insights to help you plan your next hunting adventure.

Whitetail Deer

Whitetail deer are one of the most popular game species in North America. Understanding their feeding patterns and rutting behavior is essential for success. During the early season, focus on early morning and late afternoon hunts near feeding areas, as deer are more active during cooler temperatures. As the rut approaches, especially in late October and November, deer activity increases throughout the day, making it a prime time for all-day hunts.

Wild Turkey

Turkey hunting requires different strategies depending on the season. During the spring, focus on early morning hunts when turkeys are actively gobbling and searching for hens. In contrast, fall hunting often benefits from mid-morning or late-afternoon hunts when turkeys are more likely to be feeding in groups.


Duck and goose hunting success is closely tied to weather conditions. Cold fronts and storms often push waterfowl south, providing ideal hunting opportunities. Early mornings, near sunrise, are generally the best times to hunt waterfowl as they leave their roosting areas to feed.

Upland Game Birds

Upland game birds like pheasants and quail are typically most active during the early morning hours and the late afternoon. These birds are often found in open fields, grasslands, and brushy areas, making them easier to spot and pursue during these times.

Big Game - Elk and Moose

Elk and moose are known for their elusive nature, and hunting them requires careful planning. The best times for elk and moose hunting are typically during the rut, which varies by region but often occurs in the fall. Bulls are more active and vocal during this time, making it easier to locate and stalk them.

Small Game - Rabbits and Squirrels

Small game hunting is a great way to introduce newcomers to the sport. The best times for hunting rabbits and squirrels are generally in the early morning and late afternoon when these animals are most active. Look for signs like tracks, droppings, and feeding areas to increase your chances of success.

Timing is crucial in hunting, and understanding the best times to hunt various game species can significantly improve your chances of success. Whether you're pursuing whitetail deer, wild turkey, waterfowl, upland game birds, big game like elk and moose, or small game like rabbits and squirrels, "Find A Hunt" is here to help you plan your next hunting adventure.

Remember that hunting regulations and seasons can vary by location, so always check local regulations and obtain the necessary permits and licenses before heading into the field. Happy hunting!