Blog / The Role of Moon Phases in Hunting: Fact or Myth?

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, August 10, 2023

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When it comes to hunting, the age-old debate about the influence of moon phases on hunting success continues to spark discussions around campfires and online hunting forums. Some hunters swear by the impact of moon phases on animal behavior, while others dismiss it as nothing more than folklore. In this article, we delve into the intriguing question: Does the moon phase truly affect hunting outcomes, or is it just a myth?

Moon Phases and Animal Behavior

Proponents of the moon phase theory suggest that different moon phases can influence animal behavior, particularly those that are primarily active during the night. The idea behind this theory is that animals, especially nocturnal ones, may be more active and visible during certain moon phases. The brightness of the moon during a full moon, for example, could potentially illuminate the surroundings and make it easier for hunters to spot animals.

The Science Behind It

While the concept might sound plausible on the surface, scientific research on the direct impact of moon phases on animal behavior is limited and often inconclusive. Animal behavior is influenced by a multitude of factors, including weather conditions, food availability, predator-prey relationships, and habitat changes. While moonlight can affect visibility to some extent, it's just one piece of the puzzle.

Hunting Success and Moon Phases

Hunters who believe in the moon phase theory often rely on hunting calendars that highlight the best hunting days based on moon phases. These calendars suggest that specific moon phases, such as the new moon or the full moon, are prime times for successful hunting. However, the accuracy of these calendars is debated within the hunting community.

Findings from Experienced Hunters

Experienced hunters have varied opinions on the moon phase theory. Some swear by it and have anecdotal evidence of successful hunts aligning with specific moon phases. Others, however, attribute their success to other factors like careful planning, knowledge of animal behavior, and skill in using hunting equipment.

The Bottom Line

At this point, while the influence of moon phases on hunting success remains a topic of debate, it's essential to approach the matter with a critical and open-minded perspective. While there might not be concrete scientific evidence to definitively prove or disprove the theory, it's clear that hunting success depends on a combination of factors that extend beyond moon phases.

For those who are intrigued by the moon phase theory, it might be worth experimenting with hunting during different moon phases and recording personal observations. However, hunters should also remember that other factors, such as scouting, understanding animal patterns, and making ethical and responsible hunting choices, play a more significant role in overall hunting success.


In the world of hunting, the role of moon phases is a captivating topic that continues to intrigue and divide hunters. While the scientific evidence is lacking, personal experiences and anecdotal stories fuel the ongoing debate. Whether you're a believer in the moon phase theory or consider it a myth, what truly matters is the respect for wildlife, the environment, and the ethical practices that guide responsible hunting.

So, as you head out on your next hunting expedition, remember that success in the field is the result of a combination of factors. While the moon's glow may enhance your experience, your skills, knowledge, and ethical approach are the real keys to a fulfilling and successful hunt.

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