Blog / The Science of Game Attraction: Feeders, Scents, and Calls

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, November 02, 2023

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When it comes to hunting, success often depends on your ability to attract game to your location. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or just starting out, understanding the science of game attraction can significantly improve your chances of a successful hunt. In this article, we'll explore three key elements of game attraction: feeders, scents, and calls, and how they can be used effectively to enhance your hunting experience.

1. Feeders

Feeders have become an essential tool for many hunters looking to lure game into a specific area. These devices dispense food, such as corn or other grains, at regular intervals. The goal is to create a reliable food source for the game, encouraging them to visit the area regularly.

Find A Hunt offers a range of high-quality game feeders designed to meet the needs of hunters. These feeders are equipped with timers and adjustable dispensing mechanisms, allowing you to control the frequency and quantity of feed. By setting up a feeder in the right location and maintaining it consistently, you can establish a pattern that game animals will follow, increasing your chances of encountering them during your hunt.

2. Scents

Scents play a crucial role in hunting, as they help mask your human scent and attract game. There are various types of scents available, including cover scents, attractant scents, and masking scents.

Cover Scents: These scents are designed to mimic the natural smells of the environment, helping to mask your presence. Common cover scents include pine, cedar, and earthy odors. Using a cover scent can make it more challenging for game animals to detect your scent and become wary.

Attractant Scents: Attractant scents are formulated to appeal to specific animals. For example, deer hunters often use doe estrus scents during the rut to attract bucks. Find A Hunt offers a selection of high-quality attractant scents that can help you lure game animals closer to your hunting stand or blind.

Masking Scents: These scents are used to hide your scent from game animals. By applying a masking scent, you can reduce the chances of being detected by keen-nosed creatures like deer. Using a masking scent in combination with proper scent control techniques can significantly improve your hunting success.

3. Calls

Game calls are another valuable tool in the hunter's arsenal. These devices mimic the sounds made by game animals to communicate with one another. By using calls effectively, you can pique the curiosity or trigger the territorial instincts of game animals, bringing them closer to your position.

Find A Hunt offers a range of game calls, including deer grunts, turkey calls, and predator calls. Learning how to use these calls correctly and understanding the behavior of the animals you're hunting is essential. For example, knowing the right time to use a doe bleat or a turkey yelp can make all the difference in your hunt's outcome.

In conclusion, the science of game attraction is a crucial aspect of hunting success. By incorporating feeders, scents, and calls into your hunting strategy, you can increase your chances of attracting game and having a rewarding hunting experience. Find A Hunt provides the tools and equipment you need to enhance your hunting skills and maximize your success in the field. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned hunter, these techniques and products can help you become a more effective and successful game hunter. Happy hunting!