Blog / The Secrets of Successful Squirrel Hunting in Missouri

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, November 07, 2023

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Squirrel hunting in Missouri is a popular pastime for outdoor enthusiasts and hunters alike. With its diverse landscapes, abundant squirrel population, and a variety of hunting opportunities, the Show-Me State offers a unique experience for those looking to pursue these agile creatures. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we will uncover the secrets of successful squirrel hunting in Missouri.

Know Your Seasons

Before embarking on a squirrel hunting adventure in Missouri, it's essential to be aware of the hunting seasons and regulations. The squirrel hunting season in Missouri typically runs from May 22nd through February 15th, allowing hunters ample time to enjoy their sport. However, it's crucial to check the Missouri Department of Conservation's website or contact local authorities for the most up-to-date information regarding seasons, bag limits, and specific hunting regulations.

Choose the Right Firearm

Selecting the appropriate firearm is crucial for a successful squirrel hunt. Most squirrel hunters opt for .22-caliber rifles or shotguns loaded with No. 4 or No. 6 shot. These firearms provide the accuracy and power needed to take down squirrels while minimizing the risk of damaging the meat.

Scout Your Hunting Grounds

To increase your chances of a successful squirrel hunt, scouting is essential. Missouri offers various terrains, including forests, woodlands, and agricultural areas, which squirrels call home. Spend time scouting the area before your hunt to identify the best locations, including areas with a high concentration of nut-bearing trees like oaks and hickories.

Be Mindful of the Weather

Squirrel hunting success can be influenced by weather conditions. Cooler, overcast days are often better for squirrel hunting, as squirrels tend to be more active and less wary during these times. Avoid hunting on windy or extremely hot days, as squirrels are less likely to be out and about.

Use Calls and Lures

Calling and luring techniques can be effective for attracting squirrels. Squirrel calls imitate the distress or mating calls of squirrels, grabbing their attention and making them curious about the source of the noise. Using natural squirrel chatter or squirrel calls can help bring them within shooting range.

Be Patient and Quiet

Squirrels have keen senses, including sharp hearing and sight, so stealth and patience are essential when squirrel hunting. Move quietly and slowly, and be prepared to sit quietly for extended periods. Finding a comfortable spot to wait and observe can be the key to success.

Practice Safe and Ethical Hunting

As responsible hunters, it's crucial to prioritize safety and ethics. Always follow firearm safety rules, wear appropriate orange clothing during hunting season, and be aware of your surroundings. Respect private property boundaries and obtain necessary permissions before hunting on private land.

Squirrel hunting in Missouri offers a thrilling outdoor experience for hunters of all skill levels. By knowing the seasons, choosing the right firearm, scouting your hunting grounds, paying attention to the weather, using calls and lures, practicing patience and stealth, and adhering to safety and ethical guidelines, you can increase your chances of a successful squirrel hunt. Enjoy your squirrel hunting adventure in Missouri with the valuable tips provided by "Find A Hunt" to make your outing memorable and rewarding.