Blog / The Thrill of Tracking: Old Skills in the Modern Age

By Connor Thomas
Monday, September 11, 2023

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In today's fast-paced world, where technology seems to dominate every aspect of our lives, there is still a primal urge that calls to many: the thrill of tracking. While we live in a digital age, some age-old skills are making a resurgence, and tracking is one of them. In this article, we'll explore how the art of tracking has evolved and why it continues to be an essential skill for modern-day hunters. At Find A Hunt, we believe that tracking is not just about hunting; it's about connecting with nature and preserving the traditions of our ancestors.

The Roots of Tracking

Tracking is a skill deeply rooted in human history. Our ancestors relied on tracking to hunt for food, navigate through unfamiliar terrain, and even communicate with other tribes. The ability to read the signs left by animals and humans was crucial for survival.

Tracking in the Modern Age

In today's world, where convenience often trumps tradition, you might wonder why tracking still matters. Here are a few reasons why tracking remains relevant in the modern age:

Hunting Ethically: Ethical hunting is a significant concern for many hunters today. By learning to track, hunters can minimize the risk of injuring animals unnecessarily. The ability to read tracks and signs allows hunters to make more informed decisions about when and where to take a shot.

Enhancing the Hunting Experience: Tracking adds an exciting dimension to hunting. It's not just about taking down an animal; it's about the journey leading up to the hunt. Tracking allows hunters to become intimately acquainted with the habits and behaviors of their quarry.

Connecting with Nature: In our fast-paced, technology-driven lives, tracking provides an opportunity to slow down and connect with the natural world. It fosters a deep appreciation for the environment and the delicate balance of ecosystems.

Preserving Tradition: Hunting and tracking are deeply ingrained in many cultures and traditions. By keeping these skills alive, we pay homage to our ancestors and ensure that their wisdom is not lost to history.

How to Get Started with Tracking

If you're intrigued by the idea of tracking and want to get started, here are some steps to consider:

Education: Begin by educating yourself about animal behavior, tracks, and signs. There are plenty of books, online resources, and courses available that can help you learn the basics of tracking.

Practice: Like any skill, tracking improves with practice. Spend time in the wilderness, observing tracks and signs. Try to identify different animal tracks and understand what they reveal about the animal's behavior.

Field Experience: Consider going on guided hunting or tracking trips with experienced hunters. Learning from those who have honed their tracking skills over the years can be invaluable.

Patience: Tracking requires patience and a keen eye. Be prepared for moments of frustration, but remember that each mistake is a step toward improvement.


In the modern age, where technology often distances us from the natural world, tracking is a skill that reconnects us with our primal instincts and traditions. At Find A Hunt, we encourage hunters to embrace the art of tracking, not only for ethical hunting but also for the profound connection it fosters with nature. So, as you embark on your next hunting adventure, consider taking a step back in time and experience the thrill of tracking in the modern age.