Blog / The World of Competitive Shooting and Its Crossover with Hunting

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, November 02, 2023

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Competitive shooting is a thrilling sport that has gained immense popularity among firearms enthusiasts in recent years. It's not only a test of precision and skill but also a way for hunters to enhance their abilities and immerse themselves in a community that shares their passion for firearms. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of competitive shooting and its crossover with hunting, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," your trusted source for all things hunting.

The Roots of Competitive Shooting:

Competitive shooting, also known as practical shooting or action shooting, has its roots in the military and law enforcement training. It evolved into a sport where participants engage in simulated real-life scenarios, combining elements of speed, accuracy, and tactical decision-making. These competitions involve various firearm disciplines, such as pistol, rifle, and shotgun shooting.

Improving Hunting Skills:

One of the significant advantages of competitive shooting for hunters is its potential to improve their skills. Here's how competitive shooting can benefit hunters:

Enhanced Accuracy: Competitive shooters must consistently hit their targets with precision. This focus on accuracy translates directly into improved shooting skills for hunters when they're in the field.

Quick Target Acquisition: Competitive shooters develop the ability to acquire and engage targets rapidly. This skill is invaluable when hunting fast-moving game.

Stress Management: Competitive shooting competitions can be intense, requiring participants to perform under pressure. This experience helps hunters remain calm and composed during critical moments while hunting.

Firearm Familiarity: Competitive shooters often become intimately familiar with their firearms, which can lead to improved firearm handling and maintenance skills for hunters.

Crossover Events:

In recent years, crossover events that combine hunting and competitive shooting have become increasingly popular. These events allow hunters to put their shooting skills to the test in realistic hunting scenarios. Participants use their hunting rifles or shotguns to engage targets that mimic different hunting situations, like shooting from elevated positions or taking long-range shots.

Competitive Shooting Disciplines of Interest to Hunters:

Several competitive shooting disciplines align closely with hunting skills. These include:

Precision Rifle Series (PRS): PRS competitions involve shooting targets at varying distances, often simulating hunting scenarios. Hunters can benefit greatly from the long-range shooting skills honed in PRS matches.

3-Gun: 3-Gun competitions require participants to use a rifle, shotgun, and pistol to engage multiple targets. This helps hunters develop proficiency with different firearm types and transitions between them.

Skeet and Trap Shooting: These shotgun sports improve a hunter's ability to track and shoot fast-moving targets, which is essential for wing shooting while hunting waterfowl or upland game birds.

Competitive shooting and hunting share a natural synergy that can greatly benefit avid hunters. By participating in competitive shooting events and training, hunters can enhance their firearm skills, improve their accuracy, and gain valuable experience in high-pressure situations. "Find A Hunt" encourages hunters to explore the exciting world of competitive shooting and use it as a means to become better, more proficient hunters in the field. Whether you are a seasoned marksman or a novice, the crossover between competitive shooting and hunting can help you become a more skilled and responsible hunter.