Blog / Tips for Successful Prairie Dog Hunting

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

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Prairie dog hunting can be an exciting and challenging outdoor activity for hunting enthusiasts. If you're planning a prairie dog hunting trip, it's essential to be well-prepared to ensure a successful and enjoyable experience. In this article, we'll provide you with valuable tips to enhance your prairie dog hunting skills and make your next adventure with "Find A Hunt" a memorable one.

Choose the Right Gear

Selecting the right gear is crucial for prairie dog hunting success. Ensure you have a high-quality rifle, preferably a varmint rifle chambered in .223 Remington or .22-250 Remington, which is ideal for small game hunting. Pair it with a good-quality scope for accuracy, as prairie dogs are small targets at long distances. A bipod or shooting sticks can also help stabilize your shots.

Practice Your Shooting Skills

Before embarking on your prairie dog hunting expedition, spend time at the shooting range to practice your accuracy and shooting skills. Familiarize yourself with your rifle and scope, and practice shooting at various distances to hone your marksmanship. Consistent and accurate shooting is key to success in prairie dog hunting.

Scout the Area

Finding prairie dog colonies is the first step to a successful hunt. Prairie dogs are social animals and often live in large colonies, making them easier to locate. Using binoculars or a spotting scope, scan the prairies for mounds and burrows. Pay attention to the time of day, as prairie dogs are most active during early morning and late afternoon.

Plan Your Approach

Once you've located a prairie dog colony, plan your approach carefully. Keep in mind that prairie dogs have keen senses of sight, smell, and hearing. To avoid spooking them, approach from downwind, stay low, and use the terrain for cover. Stealth and patience are your allies when getting close for a shot.

Use Proper Ammunition

Selecting the right ammunition is crucial for ethical and efficient prairie dog hunting. Choose hollow-point or ballistic-tip bullets to minimize pelt damage and ensure quick, humane kills. Prairie dogs have tough hides, so accurate shot placement is essential.

Employ Shot Placement

When taking your shot, aim for the vital areas of the prairie dog to ensure a clean and ethical kill. The head or chest area is your best bet for a quick kill. Take your time to line up your shot and wait for the prairie dog to present a clear target.

Practice Ethical Hunting

Responsible and ethical hunting practices should always be followed. Observe all local hunting regulations, obtain the necessary permits, and respect private property rights. Always pick up your spent casings and any trash, leaving the environment as you found it.

Be Patient and Persistent

Prairie dog hunting can be a test of patience, as these animals can be cautious and skittish. Be prepared to spend hours waiting for the perfect shot. Stay focused and persistent, and you'll be rewarded with successful hunts.

Prairie dog hunting can be an exhilarating experience for those who appreciate the thrill of precision shooting and the beauty of the outdoors. By choosing the right gear, practicing your shooting skills, scouting the area, and employing ethical hunting practices, you can increase your chances of success on your next prairie dog hunting trip with "Find A Hunt." Remember to be patient and persistent, and most importantly, enjoy the adventure and the camaraderie that comes with it. Happy hunting!