Blog / Tips for successful turkey hunting in Tennessee

By Connor Thomas
Monday, June 05, 2023

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Title: Tips for Successful Turkey Hunting in Tennessee


Turkey hunting is a popular and thrilling outdoor activity enjoyed by many hunters across the state of Tennessee. With its diverse landscapes and abundant turkey population, Tennessee offers ample opportunities for successful hunts. However, hunting turkeys can be challenging, requiring patience, skill, and knowledge. To help you make the most of your turkey hunting experience in Tennessee, we have compiled a list of valuable tips and strategies to increase your chances of a successful hunt.

Research Your Hunting Location:

Before heading out into the field, thoroughly research your hunting location in Tennessee. Identify areas with high turkey populations, study their habits, and understand their preferred habitats. Focus on scouting for roosting sites, feeding areas, and strutting zones. Knowledge of your hunting area will give you a significant advantage when it comes to locating and calling in turkeys.

Master Turkey Calling Techniques:

One of the most crucial skills for successful turkey hunting is the ability to mimic turkey vocalizations. Practice and perfect your turkey calling techniques, including yelps, clucks, purrs, and gobbling. Consider using a variety of calls to create a realistic and convincing turkey sound. Learning to call proficiently will help you attract turkeys within shooting range.

Optimize Your Decoy Setup:

Using turkey decoys can greatly enhance your chances of a successful hunt. Select decoys that accurately represent the species, paying attention to details such as coloration and positioning. Position your decoys strategically, creating a natural-looking scene that is enticing to passing turkeys. Experiment with different setups, such as placing a breeding hen near a strutting tom decoy, to elicit a territorial response.

Practice Patience and Concealment:

Patience is key when turkey hunting in Tennessee. Turkeys have excellent eyesight and can detect the slightest movement. Choose a concealed hunting spot, such as a ground blind or natural cover, and ensure that you blend in with your surroundings. Use camouflage clothing, face masks, and gloves to break up your silhouette. Remaining motionless and waiting for the perfect shot opportunity will increase your chances of success.

Hunt During Prime Times:

Understanding the habits and patterns of turkeys in Tennessee will help you determine the best times to hunt. Turkeys are most active during the early morning and late afternoon. Plan your hunts accordingly, arriving at your hunting location well before sunrise to set up and be ready when turkeys start moving. Additionally, take advantage of the turkey breeding season, which typically occurs in late spring, as gobblers are more responsive to calling during this time.

Be Mindful of Hunting Regulations:

Before embarking on your turkey hunting adventure, familiarize yourself with Tennessee's hunting regulations and obtain the necessary licenses and permits. Complying with the state's hunting regulations ensures the sustainability of turkey populations and supports conservation efforts. Stay updated on any changes to hunting seasons, bag limits, and specific hunting zones to avoid penalties and ensure a responsible hunting experience.

Safety First:

Safety should always be a top priority when participating in any hunting activity. Always assume that other hunters may be present in the area and take precautions to avoid accidents. Wear fluorescent orange clothing to increase visibility, particularly when moving or transitioning between hunting spots. Familiarize yourself with safe firearm handling practices, and be aware of your surroundings at all times.


Turkey hunting in Tennessee offers hunters an exciting and rewarding experience. By implementing these tips and strategies, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt. Remember to research your hunting location, master turkey calling techniques, optimize your decoy setup, practice patience and concealment, hunt during prime times, adhere to hunting regulations, and prioritize safety. With dedication, skill, and a little luck, you can enjoy a memorable and fruitful turkey