Blog / Tracking Fall Turkeys in Virginia: A Hunter's Approach

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, November 07, 2023

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Fall turkey hunting in Virginia offers a unique and challenging experience for hunters. As the leaves change color and the temperatures drop, turkey behavior shifts, making it an exciting time to pursue these elusive birds. In this article, we'll explore a hunter's approach to tracking fall turkeys in Virginia and provide valuable insights to help you have a successful hunt. Whether you're a seasoned turkey hunter or a beginner, "Find A Hunt" is here to guide you through the process.

Scout the Terrain:

Before you head into the woods, scouting the hunting area is crucial. Start by identifying potential turkey hotspots such as roosting areas, feeding grounds, and travel routes. Turkeys often roost in large trees, so look for signs like droppings and feathers beneath roost sites. Keep in mind that turkeys are more likely to stay in areas with a mix of open fields and wooded cover.

Timing is Everything:

Fall turkey hunting in Virginia usually takes place in late October and November. During this time, turkeys are preparing for winter, which means they're actively foraging for food. Focus on hunting in the early morning or late afternoon when turkeys are most active. Remember to check the specific hunting season dates and regulations set by the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources.

Gear Up:

Having the right gear is essential for a successful turkey hunt. Ensure you have a reliable shotgun with the appropriate ammunition, preferably #4 or #6 shot for turkeys. Camouflage clothing and face masks are also vital to blend into your surroundings. Turkey calls like box calls, slate calls, or diaphragm calls can be used to mimic turkey sounds and lure them closer. Don't forget to wear orange during your hunt for safety reasons.

Be Patient and Persistent:

Fall turkey hunting can be challenging as turkeys are more cautious during this season. Unlike the spring, when they are more vocal, fall turkeys tend to be quieter. So, be patient and wait for them to make a move. Use your turkey calls sparingly and wait for a response. It might take several sets and locations before you locate a flock.

Group Hunting:

Fall turkey hunting in Virginia allows for group hunting, which can be an advantage. By working as a team, you can strategically position hunters to cover different areas and increase your chances of spotting turkeys. However, ensure you communicate effectively to avoid accidents and maintain safety.

Safety First:

Safety should always be a top priority when hunting. Make sure you are familiar with firearm safety rules and wear hunter orange to remain visible to other hunters. Always be aware of your surroundings and the location of your fellow hunters.

Tracking fall turkeys in Virginia is a thrilling experience that requires preparation, patience, and perseverance. "Find A Hunt" encourages responsible hunting practices and adhering to all hunting regulations. With the right knowledge and approach, you can have a successful and memorable fall turkey hunt in the beautiful forests of Virginia. Happy hunting!