Blog / Tracking Mountain Lions in Colorado: A Comprehensive Guide

By Connor Thomas
Friday, September 15, 2023

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  • Colorado is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, and for hunters, it offers a unique and thrilling opportunity to track mountain lions. If you're an avid hunter seeking the ultimate challenge, this comprehensive guide from Find A Hunt will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed for a successful mountain lion hunt in Colorado.

  • Understanding the Mountain Lion

  • Mountain lions, also known as cougars or pumas, are elusive and solitary predators. They are well-adapted to the rugged terrain of Colorado, making them one of the most sought-after big game species in the region. To track them effectively, it's essential to understand their behavior, habitat, and habits.

  • Habitat: Mountain lions inhabit a wide range of ecosystems, from lowland deserts to high alpine forests. In Colorado, they are commonly found in the Rocky Mountains, particularly in areas with dense cover and an abundance of prey.

  • Behavior: These cats are known for their stealth and patience. They primarily hunt deer but will also target other animals like elk and bighorn sheep. Mountain lions are most active during dawn and dusk, making these times ideal for tracking.

  • Gear and Preparation

  • Before embarking on your mountain lion hunt in Colorado, ensure you have the right gear and are adequately prepared. Here's a checklist to consider:

  • Weapon: A high-powered rifle is the preferred choice for hunting mountain lions. Make sure it's properly sighted in and you're proficient with it.

  • Clothing: Dress in layers to accommodate Colorado's unpredictable weather. High-quality camouflage gear is essential to blend into the environment.

  • Boots: Invest in comfortable and waterproof hunting boots with excellent traction for navigating rugged terrain.

  • Optics: Quality binoculars and spotting scopes are crucial for spotting mountain lions from a distance.

  • Calls: Learn to use mountain lion calls effectively to attract and locate these elusive creatures.

  • Safety Equipment: Carry essential safety gear, including a first-aid kit, GPS, and a satellite phone for emergencies.

  • The Hunt Itself

  • Colorado requires hunters to have a valid license to hunt mountain lions. Once you've obtained your license, it's time to hit the field. Here are some tips for the hunt:

  • Scouting: Familiarize yourself with the area you plan to hunt. Look for signs such as tracks, scat, and scratch marks on trees.

  • Patience: Mountain lion hunting can be a waiting game. Find a concealed vantage point and observe likely travel routes or feeding areas.

  • Shot Placement: Ensure ethical and humane shots by targeting vital organs. The most effective shots are typically in the chest or behind the shoulder.

  • After the Hunt

  • Once you've successfully tracked and harvested a mountain lion, there are several important post-hunt considerations:

  • Field Dressing: Properly field dress the animal to preserve the meat and hide.

  • Reporting: Follow all Colorado hunting regulations, including reporting your harvest to the appropriate authorities.

  • Utilization: Make the most of your harvest by processing the meat and preserving the hide.

  • Conclusion

  • Tracking mountain lions in Colorado is a thrilling and challenging pursuit for experienced hunters. Remember to prioritize safety, ethics, and respect for these magnificent creatures. With the right knowledge, gear, and preparation, your mountain lion hunt in Colorado can be an unforgettable adventure. Trust Find A Hunt to provide expert guidance and resources for your next big game expedition. Happy hunting!