Blog / Turkey Calling Techniques for Beginners

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

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Hunting wild turkeys can be an exhilarating and rewarding outdoor experience, but it often requires mastering the art of turkey calling. Effective turkey calling can significantly increase your chances of a successful hunt. Whether you're a novice hunter or just looking to improve your turkey calling skills, this article will provide you with essential techniques to get started. Brought to you by "Find A Hunt," your go-to source for hunting information and resources.

Understanding the Basics of Turkey Calling

Before you can become proficient at turkey calling, it's crucial to understand the basic types of turkey calls and their purposes:

a. Locator Calls: These calls are loud and intended to locate turkeys. Owl hoots and crow caws are common examples.

b. Hooting Calls: These mimic the sounds of owls, which can trigger a shock gobble from a nearby turkey.

c. Gobble Calls: These imitate the gobbling sounds of male turkeys, attracting other males or curious hens.

d. Clucking and Purring Calls: These softer calls mimic the sounds of contented hens and can be used to reassure turkeys.

e. Yelping Calls: The most versatile of turkey calls, yelps can be used to communicate with turkeys throughout the day.

Choosing the Right Turkey Call

There are various turkey calls available, such as diaphragm calls, box calls, slate calls, and push-button calls. As a beginner, it's advisable to start with a simple box or slate call. These calls are user-friendly and produce consistent results with practice. Experiment with different calls to determine which one you feel most comfortable using.

Practicing Your Turkey Calls

Mastering turkey calls takes time and practice. Here are some tips to help you improve:

a. Listen to Real Turkeys: Spend time in the woods listening to wild turkeys to get a sense of their sounds and rhythms.

b. Use Instructional Resources: Watch instructional videos, read books, or attend seminars to learn from experienced turkey hunters.

c. Practice Regularly: Dedicate time each day to practice your calls. Start with basic yelps and gradually work on more advanced calls as you become proficient.

d. Record Yourself: Use your smartphone to record your calls, allowing you to analyze and refine your technique.

Understanding Turkey Behavior

To become a successful turkey caller, you must understand turkey behavior. Turkeys are social animals, and their behavior changes throughout the year. During the spring mating season (known as the "turkey season"), understanding mating rituals and hierarchy can be particularly useful.

The Importance of Patience and Concealment

Turkeys have keen eyesight and can detect the slightest movement. When calling, make sure you are well-concealed and avoid unnecessary movements. Patience is key, as turkeys may take their time approaching your location.

Safety and Ethics

Always prioritize safety and ethical hunting practices. Know your target and what lies beyond it, and adhere to all hunting regulations and laws in your area. Respect wildlife and their habitats.

Turkey calling is both an art and a science that can greatly enhance your hunting experience. As a beginner, focus on the basics, choose the right call, practice regularly, and learn about turkey behavior. With dedication and patience, you can become a skilled turkey caller and increase your chances of a successful hunt. "Find A Hunt" wishes you a safe and rewarding turkey hunting season.