Blog / Turkey hunting call techniques

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, May 09, 2023

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Turkey Hunting Call Approaches: Techniques and Tips for a Productive Hunt

As any knowledgeable turkey tracker will tell you, the secret to a fruitful hunt is to excel in the craft of calling. Knowing when, where, and how to make calls can make a big difference in whether or not you come home with a bird. In this write-up, we'll investigate some turkey hunting call approaches that will help you up your game and amplify your chances of a successful hunt.

Repetition Makes Perfect

The primary step you need to take is to rehearse your calling. Commence by procuring a few distinct types of calls, such as a crate call, slate call, and mouth call. Spend some time listening to real turkeys and practicing mimicking their calls with each call type. The more you practice, the more adept you'll get.

Utilize the Appropriate Call at the Appropriate Time

Different calls are fitting for different times of the day and various situations. For instance, a gentle yelp is a good call to use early in the morning when turkeys are still perched. Later in the day, when they're more active, you may want to use a more assertive call like a cluck or a purr.

Exercise Patience

One of the biggest blunders novice hunters make is calling too much or too loudly. Bear in mind that less is often more when it comes to calling turkeys. Begin with a soft call and wait to see if a turkey responds. If not, try a slightly louder call. Be patient and wait at least 15-20 minutes between calls to give the turkey time to approach.

Employ Decoys

Employing a decoy can be a great way to lure in a turkey. Position the decoy in an area where the turkey is likely to see it, and use a call to catch its attention. When the turkey notices the decoy, it will often come in for a closer look.

Utilize Different Calls in Combination

Employing different calls in combination can create a more realistic and convincing turkey sound. For example, you can commence with a gentle yelp, followed by a cluck, and then end with a purr. This can make it sound like there are multiple turkeys in the area, which can attract more birds.

Be Prepared for Different Scenarios

Turkeys can be unpredictable, so it's vital to be ready for different scenarios. For instance, if a turkey is responding to your call but is hesitant to come in, you may need to switch to a different call or use a decoy. On the other hand, if a turkey is responding aggressively to your call, you may need to tone it down to avoid scaring it off.

Don't Surrender Too Soon

Finally, it's crucial not to surrender too soon. Turkeys can be stubborn, and it may take some time to get them to come in. If you've been calling for a while and haven't had any luck, don't surrender just yet. Keep trying different calls and approaches until you find what works.

In conclusion, mastering the art of turkey hunting calls takes practice, patience, and a bit of trial and error. By using the appropriate calls at the appropriate time, being patient, employing decoys, and being prepared for different scenarios, you can amplify your chances of a successful hunt. So get out there, rehearse your calls, and happy hunting!

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