Blog / Turkey Hunting Techniques for Spring

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, December 05, 2023

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Spring is an exciting time for turkey hunters as it marks the beginning of the turkey hunting season. The woods come alive with the sounds of gobbling toms, and the challenge of outsmarting these wily birds becomes the ultimate pursuit. Whether you're a seasoned turkey hunter or just starting out, mastering turkey hunting techniques for spring is essential for a successful hunt. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we will explore some effective strategies and tips to help you bag that elusive spring gobbler.

Scout Your Hunting Grounds

Before you head into the woods, scouting is key to locating turkey hotspots. Start your scouting efforts a few weeks before the season opens. Look for signs such as turkey tracks, droppings, feathers, and scratch marks on the ground. Additionally, listen for gobbling at sunrise to pinpoint their roosting areas.

Decoy Placement

Using decoys can be a game-changer in spring turkey hunting. Decoys can attract the attention of a tom and bring them into shooting range. Place your decoys strategically, keeping them within 20-30 yards of your hiding spot, and use realistic decoys that mimic the appearance of a real turkey.

Master Your Calls

Turkey calls are essential tools for spring turkey hunting. Learn to use different calls like the box call, slate call, diaphragm call, and owl hooter effectively. Practice your calls beforehand to ensure you can replicate authentic turkey sounds and effectively communicate with the birds.

Concealment and Camouflage

Turkeys have keen eyesight, so proper concealment is crucial. Wear full camouflage clothing, including a facemask and gloves, to blend into your surroundings. Set up your blind or hide in an area with natural cover, such as bushes or trees, to break up your outline.

Use Natural Features

Take advantage of natural features in your hunting area. Position yourself near a creek or riverbed, as turkeys often visit these areas for water. Additionally, use terrain changes like ridges, hills, or valleys to your advantage, as they can funnel turkeys into predictable paths.

Patience is Key

Spring turkey hunting requires patience. Once you're set up in a good location, stay still and silent. Gobblers can take their time coming in, so resist the urge to move or make unnecessary noises. Often, a tom's curiosity will get the better of them, and they'll come searching for the source of the calls.

Be Mindful of the Weather

Weather conditions can significantly impact turkey behavior. Pay attention to weather forecasts, as turkeys tend to be more active on sunny days. Rainy or windy days may limit turkey movement, so plan your hunts accordingly.

Hunt the Roost

Early morning hunts near turkey roosting areas can be incredibly productive. Get to your chosen spot well before dawn and set up quietly. Wait for the turkeys to fly down from their roosts and use your calls to lure them in.

Spring turkey hunting offers an exciting and challenging experience for hunters. By employing these turkey hunting techniques, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt. Remember that safety should always be a priority, and be sure to check your local hunting regulations and obtain the necessary permits. With practice and determination, you can make your spring turkey hunting adventures with "Find A Hunt" not only successful but also memorable. Good luck out there, and may your next spring turkey hunt be a rewarding one!