Blog / Twilight Turkey Tactics in Georgia

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

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As the sun dips below the horizon and the day's light fades away, a new opportunity for turkey hunting emerges - the magic hour known as twilight. Georgia, with its diverse terrain and abundant turkey population, offers a unique setting for twilight turkey hunting. In this article, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we'll explore the tactics and strategies you can employ to make the most of this exciting time for turkey hunting in the Peach State.

Understanding the Twilight Advantage

Twilight is a period of transition when turkeys become more active. As they prepare to roost for the night or seek food before darkness falls, they become more vocal and susceptible to calling. This presents an excellent opportunity for hunters to engage with gobblers and hens. However, hunting during twilight hours requires a different approach and a heightened sense of awareness.


The foundation of successful twilight turkey hunting in Georgia is thorough scouting. Before your hunt, spend time familiarizing yourself with the terrain, turkey patterns, and roosting areas. Finding where the turkeys roost at night will give you an advantage for an early morning setup.

Setting Up

Twilight turkey hunting often involves a mix of roost hunting and ground setups. When roost hunting, locate a turkey the evening before your hunt and set up near their roost tree. Be sure to arrive well before sunrise to avoid spooking the turkeys.

For ground setups, choose a location where turkeys are likely to pass through during their twilight movements. Look for areas with fresh sign, such as tracks, droppings, and dusting spots. Employ natural blinds to hide your presence.


Calling is a crucial aspect of twilight turkey hunting. Turkeys are more responsive during this time, but it's essential to use subtle and soft calls. Start with soft tree yelps and clucks to mimic the turkeys' roosting sounds. As the morning progresses, transition to more aggressive calls to pique their interest.


Using decoys during twilight hours can be effective, but be selective in their use. Hen decoys can attract gobblers looking for company, while jake decoys might provoke a dominant gobbler into approaching. Experiment with different setups to see what works best in your specific hunting area.

Safety and Ethics

Remember to prioritize safety and ethical hunting practices during twilight turkey hunting. Ensure you have a clear shot and a safe backdrop before pulling the trigger. Be aware of your surroundings and other hunters in the area. Respect property boundaries and hunt responsibly.

Twilight turkey hunting in Georgia presents a thrilling and unique opportunity for hunters. By understanding the behaviors and habits of turkeys during this transitional period, and by employing the right tactics, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt. Remember that safety and ethical hunting practices are paramount, and always follow local regulations and guidelines.

For more hunting tips and to find the perfect hunting destination in Georgia or beyond, visit Find A Hunt. Our platform connects hunters with the best hunting experiences, ensuring memorable adventures in the great outdoors. Happy hunting!