Blog / Understanding hunting zones in Tennessee

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

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Title: Understanding Hunting Zones in Tennessee


Hunting in Tennessee offers a diverse range of opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. The state's rich natural resources and varied wildlife make it an ideal destination for hunters. However, to ensure sustainable hunting practices and effective wildlife management, Tennessee is divided into different hunting zones. In this article, we will explore the hunting zones in Tennessee and discuss how hunters can make the most of their experiences in each zone.

Zone A:

Zone A is located in the western part of Tennessee and encompasses the Mississippi River floodplain. This zone is characterized by vast agricultural fields and bottomland hardwood forests. It provides excellent hunting opportunities for whitetail deer, waterfowl, and small game. The region's flat terrain and abundant food sources make it an attractive destination for both resident and non-resident hunters.

Zone B:

Zone B covers the central part of Tennessee and includes areas like Nashville, Knoxville, and Chattanooga. This zone offers diverse hunting opportunities, including whitetail deer, turkey, small game, and waterfowl. The rolling hills, mixed forests, and farmlands provide a varied habitat for a wide range of game species. With its convenient access to major cities, Zone B attracts many local hunters.

Zone C:

Zone C is situated in the eastern part of Tennessee, encompassing the Appalachian Mountains. This zone is known for its rugged terrain, dense forests, and abundant wildlife. Hunters in Zone C can enjoy pursuing black bear, turkey, deer, and small game. The region's challenging landscape and breathtaking views make it a popular choice for experienced hunters seeking a thrilling adventure.

Additional Zones:

Apart from the main hunting zones, Tennessee also has specific regulations for various Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs). These WMAs are scattered across the state and provide additional hunting opportunities. Each WMA has its own set of rules, bag limits, and species availability. It's crucial for hunters to familiarize themselves with the regulations specific to the WMA they plan to visit.

Tips for Hunting in Tennessee:

Obtain the appropriate hunting license and necessary permits before embarking on your hunting trip. Tennessee offers licenses for residents, non-residents, and youth hunters, along with special permits for certain species.

Familiarize yourself with the specific hunting season dates and bag limits for the game species you intend to pursue.

Plan your hunting trips well in advance and secure any required reservations for hunting on public lands or private properties.

Respect private property boundaries and obtain permission from landowners before hunting on their land.

Practice ethical hunting practices, including responsible firearm use, proper disposal of trash, and leaving the environment undisturbed.

Stay informed about any updates or changes to hunting regulations through the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) website or by contacting local wildlife authorities.


Understanding the hunting zones in Tennessee is crucial for hunters to maximize their experiences while ensuring the sustainability of wildlife populations. Each zone offers unique opportunities and challenges, from the fertile agricultural lands of Zone A to the rugged mountains of Zone C. By adhering to hunting regulations, practicing ethical hunting, and respecting the environment, hunters can enjoy memorable and responsible hunting adventures in Tennessee.

Remember, whether you are a local or a non-resident hunter, "Find A Hunt" can provide valuable resources and assistance in discovering the best hunting opportunities in Tennessee. Happy hunting!