Blog / Using Calling Techniques to Hunt Black Bears: Tips and Techniques

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Hunting black bears requires a combination of skill, patience, and knowledge of the bear's behavior. One effective method that hunters use to lure black bears is calling techniques. By mimicking the sounds of a bear’s natural prey or even other bears, hunters can increase their chances of drawing a bear into shooting range. In this article, we'll explore various calling techniques and provide tips on how to use them effectively.

Understanding Black Bear Behavior

Before delving into the specific calling techniques, it's important to understand black bear behavior. Black bears are omnivores with a diet that includes fruits, nuts, insects, small mammals, and carrion. They have an excellent sense of smell and acute hearing, making them adept at detecting food sources. During the spring and fall, bears are particularly active as they forage extensively to build up fat reserves for the winter.

Types of Calls

There are several types of calls hunters can use to attract black bears:

1. Prey Distress Calls

Prey distress calls mimic the sounds of animals in distress, such as rabbits, fawns, or other small mammals. These calls appeal to the bear's opportunistic nature and can trigger their curiosity and hunting instincts.

How to Use: Use a prey distress call intermittently, with periods of silence in between. This mimics the natural sounds of a struggling animal, making it more believable and enticing to a bear. Electronic callers are particularly effective for this type of call, as they can produce realistic and loud sounds that carry over long distances.

2. Bear Vocalizations

Bears communicate with each other through various vocalizations, such as bawls, moans, and growls. Mimicking these sounds can attract bears by triggering their curiosity or territorial instincts.

How to Use: Bear vocalization calls can be challenging to master but can be highly effective when done correctly. Practice with recordings to get the sound and cadence right. Use these calls sparingly, as overuse can alert bears to human presence.

3. Cubs in Distress

The sound of cubs in distress can be particularly effective in attracting female bears, who are naturally protective and may respond aggressively to the perceived threat to their young.

How to Use: Similar to prey distress calls, use cub distress calls intermittently. Ensure the sound is realistic and loud enough to be heard over long distances. This call can also attract males looking to take advantage of a distracted female.

Tips for Effective Calling

1. Location and Timing

Choose a location where bear activity is high, such as near feeding areas, water sources, or travel corridors. Early morning and late afternoon are typically the best times to use calls, as bears are most active during these periods.

2. Wind Direction

Always consider wind direction when setting up. Bears have an exceptional sense of smell and can detect human scent from a considerable distance. Position yourself downwind of where you expect the bear to approach.

3. Camouflage and Concealment

Wear camouflage clothing and use natural cover to blend into your surroundings. Bears have good eyesight and can be spooked by unusual movements or shapes.

4. Patience and Persistence

Calling bears requires patience. It may take time for a bear to respond, and not every call will be successful. Be prepared to spend several hours in a location and remain as still and quiet as possible.

5. Safety First

Always prioritize safety when hunting bears. Ensure you have a clear line of sight and are aware of your surroundings. Bears can be unpredictable, and a close encounter can be dangerous. Carry bear spray as a precaution and know how to use it effectively.

Using calling techniques to hunt black bears can be an exhilarating and rewarding experience. By understanding bear behavior and mastering different types of calls, hunters can significantly increase their chances of success. Remember to practice these techniques, stay patient, and prioritize safety.

At Find A Hunt, we list some of the best hunting outfitters across America who can help you plan and execute a successful black bear hunt. Check out our website to find experienced guides and outfitters that can provide you with the expertise and support you need for your next hunting adventure.

For more tips, resources, and hunting outfitters, visit Find A Hunt today!