Blog / Using Decoys to Attract Turkeys: Best Practices

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Hunting turkeys is both an art and a science. Success in the field often hinges on understanding the behaviors of these elusive birds and employing the right strategies to draw them in. One of the most effective techniques for attracting turkeys is the use of decoys. At Find A Hunt, we are committed to helping you enhance your hunting experience with expert advice and top-notch resources. Here, we outline the best practices for using decoys to attract turkeys.

Understanding Turkey Behavior

Before diving into the specifics of decoy usage, it’s essential to understand the behavior and social structure of turkeys. Turkeys are social birds with a well-defined pecking order. Males, known as toms or gobblers, compete for dominance and the attention of hens. This natural behavior is the foundation of using decoys effectively. By simulating real turkey interactions, you can entice gobblers to approach your position.

Choosing the Right Decoys

Types of Decoys

Hen Decoys: These are the most common type and are often used to create the illusion of a feeding or resting hen. This setup can attract gobblers looking to mate.

Jake Decoys: A jake is an immature male turkey. Using a jake decoy can simulate a young male encroaching on a gobbler’s territory, prompting the gobbler to come in and assert dominance.

Tom Decoys: These represent a mature male and can be used to challenge the alpha status of a nearby gobbler.

Motion Decoys: Adding motion to your decoy setup can enhance realism. Simple mechanisms can mimic feeding or preening actions.

Placement and Positioning

The placement of decoys is crucial. Consider the following tips for effective positioning:

Visibility: Ensure that your decoys are easily visible from multiple angles. Turkeys have keen eyesight, and a well-placed decoy can catch the attention of a distant gobbler.

Spacing: Avoid clustering decoys too closely. Space them out to create a natural and believable scene.

Hen and Jake Combo: A popular setup is to place a hen decoy in a feeding position with a jake decoy nearby. This can provoke a gobbler’s competitive instincts.

Direction: Position your decoys to face the direction from which you expect the turkeys to approach. Turkeys tend to approach other birds head-on.

Timing and Patience

Timing is everything when it comes to turkey hunting. Early morning and late afternoon are prime times for turkey activity. Set up your decoys before dawn to avoid spooking nearby birds. Patience is equally important. Turkeys may take their time to investigate, so remain still and quiet once your decoys are in place.

Calling Techniques

Decoys are most effective when combined with realistic calling. Use a variety of calls to mimic turkey vocalizations, such as clucks, purrs, and gobbles. Start with soft calls and gradually increase volume to attract attention. Remember, over-calling can sometimes deter wary gobblers, so balance your calls with the natural cadence of turkey communication.

Adapting to Conditions

Weather, terrain, and the time of the hunting season can all impact turkey behavior and decoy effectiveness. On windy days, for example, motion decoys can be particularly useful. During the early season, when gobblers are establishing territories, aggressive setups with multiple jake or tom decoys may be more successful. Conversely, later in the season, a solitary hen decoy might be all you need to lure in a lonely gobbler.

Using decoys to attract turkeys is a proven method that, when done correctly, can significantly increase your chances of a successful hunt. By understanding turkey behavior, selecting the right decoys, and implementing strategic placement and calling techniques, you can create an irresistible setup for gobblers.

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