Blog / Vermont Coyote Hunting: How to Use Coyote Calls

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, July 27, 2023

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Title: Vermont Coyote Hunting: How to Use Coyote Calls


Welcome to Find A Hunt, your ultimate resource for all things hunting. In this article, we delve into the art of Vermont coyote hunting and explore the effective use of coyote calls to enhance your hunting experience. Mastering the skill of calling can significantly increase your chances of a successful hunt. So, let's get started on unraveling the secrets of coyote calls.

Understanding Coyote Calls

Coyote calls are essential tools for hunters, imitating various sounds that mimic the distress calls of prey or the vocalizations of other coyotes. These calls aim to pique the curiosity or trigger territorial instincts of nearby coyotes, drawing them closer to the hunter's position. Mastering different types of coyote calls is crucial for adapting to various hunting scenarios.

Howling Calls

The howling call is one of the most basic and widely used techniques in coyote hunting. It involves mimicking the howls of a coyote to grab the attention of nearby individuals. It's an excellent way to locate their presence and stimulate a response. When using this call, make sure to keep it short and avoid overdoing it to prevent scaring them off.

Distress Calls

Distress calls imitate the sounds of wounded or distressed prey, such as rabbits, rodents, or birds. These calls tap into a coyote's natural predatory instincts, making them curious and drawing them in for a potential easy meal. Use distress calls sparingly, alternating between different sounds to create a more convincing scenario.

Challenge Calls

Challenge calls imitate the aggressive vocalizations of other coyotes, suggesting territorial disputes or intruders in their territory. These calls can trigger a response from dominant coyotes who feel the need to protect their turf or challenge the perceived threat. Utilize challenge calls when you suspect the presence of coyotes nearby or want to provoke a reaction.

Locator Calls

Locator calls, like owl hoots or crow calls, serve as attention grabbers rather than direct coyote imitations. These calls help locate the general presence of coyotes in the area, giving you a starting point for your hunting expedition.

Using Coyote Calls Effectively

Practice and Patience

Before heading into the field, spend time practicing your calls. Invest in quality calls and practice regularly to improve your skills. Patience is vital in coyote hunting, as it may take time for them to respond to your calls or for them to approach your location.


Coyotes are cunning creatures with an acute sense of smell and hearing. Ensure you are well-concealed and downwind of their expected approach path. Camouflage clothing and scent control are essential elements of successful coyote hunting.

Proper Timing

Timing is crucial when using coyote calls. Early morning and late evening are the prime hunting times as coyotes are more active during these periods. Additionally, hunting during the colder months can yield better results, as coyotes are in search of food more aggressively.


Vermont coyote hunting can be an exhilarating experience if you master the art of coyote calls. Remember to use howling, distress, challenge, and locator calls strategically while practicing patience and concealment. Find A Hunt encourages responsible hunting practices and respecting local laws and regulations. So, equip yourself with the right calls, head into the wilderness, and embrace the excitement of coyote hunting in Vermont. Happy hunting!