Blog / Vermont Hunting Season

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

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Hunting is a popular activity in the United States, with each state having its own unique hunting season and regulations. The specifics of hunting laws and seasons can vary widely, and this can lead to confusion for hunters who may be interested in hunting in different states. In this article, we will be focusing on the hunting season in Vermont, and aim to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about hunting in the state.

When Does the Hunting Season in Vermont Begin?

The start and end dates of Vermont's hunting season vary depending on the animal being hunted. For those interested in hunting turkeys, the hunting season runs from April 29th to May 31st, 2023. However, those who are 15 years old and younger and have just obtained their hunting license can hunt turkeys on April 29th and 30th.

For those interested in black bear hunting, there are multiple seasons available, with the early season running from September 1st to November 10th, 2023. The second season, which allows the use of dogs, runs from September 1st to November 19th, 2023, and is limited to residents of Vermont. A third season, which also allows the use of dogs, runs from September 15th to November 19th, 2023, and is open to non-residents.

Deer hunting season begins on October 1st and runs through December 15th, 2023, but is closed during the regular November season. Moose hunting season is limited to those with permits and takes place from October 1st to October 7th, 2023, and from October 21st to October 26th, 2023, which is considered the regular season.

Are There Different Hunting Methods Allowed in Vermont?

Yes, Vermont allows for a variety of hunting methods depending on the animal being hunted. Archery, rifle, and shotgun hunting are all permitted during different hunting seasons. For example, archery is allowed during the statewide turkey season from October 7th to October 20th, 2023, while both shotgun and archery are permitted during the second turkey season, which runs from October 21st to October 29th, 2023, but is limited to specific Wildlife Management Units.

What Licenses and Tags Are Required for Hunting in Vermont?

Hunters in Vermont must obtain the appropriate licenses and tags to participate in the hunting season. The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department offers a variety of licenses, including resident and non-resident licenses, youth licenses, and combination licenses that cover multiple species. Hunters must also purchase a tag for each animal they plan to hunt, with prices varying depending on the species and whether the hunter is a resident or non-resident.


In conclusion, the hunting season in Vermont offers a variety of opportunities for hunters of all levels. Whether you're interested in hunting turkeys, black bears, deer, or moose, there is a season and hunting method that will suit your needs. However, it's important to make sure you have the proper licenses and tags, and are aware of the specific regulations for each hunting season.