Blog / Waterfowling in the Mississippi Delta: Decoy Strategies and Calling

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, September 05, 2023

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The vast and diverse wetlands of the Mississippi Delta offer waterfowl hunters a unique and thrilling hunting experience. Whether you're a seasoned waterfowler or a novice looking to explore this challenging pursuit, mastering decoy strategies and calling techniques is essential for a successful hunt. In this article, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we delve into effective strategies for decoy placement and calling to enhance your waterfowling adventures in the Mississippi Delta.

Decoy Strategies:

Realism is Key: When setting up decoys, it's crucial to prioritize realism. Choose high-quality decoys that accurately replicate the species you're targeting. Mallards, pintails, teal, and other waterfowl species are common in the Mississippi Delta, so having a diverse spread of decoys can attract a wider range of birds.

Spread Patterns: Experiment with different spread patterns to mimic the natural movement of waterfowl on the water. Consider using J, U, or V patterns to create a sense of authenticity. Additionally, leave small gaps between decoy groups to create landing zones for incoming birds.

Motion Decoys: Incorporating motion decoys, such as spinning-wing decoys or water ripples, can add movement to your spread and attract birds from a distance. These decoys can create the illusion of ducks actively feeding or landing, making your setup more enticing.

Wind Considerations: Pay attention to wind direction when arranging your decoy spread. Waterfowl typically land into the wind, so positioning your decoys to face the wind can increase your chances of bringing birds within range.

Calling Techniques:

Mastering the Basics: Learning the fundamental calls, such as quacks, greeting calls, and feeding calls, is essential. Practice these basic calls until you can produce clear and realistic sounds. An effective call can make the difference between a distant pass and a close encounter.

Reading the Birds: Pay close attention to the behavior of incoming flocks. If they respond positively to your calls, continue with the same cadence and intensity. If they seem hesitant or disinterested, tone down your calling to avoid spooking them.

Timing and Rhythm: Mimic the natural rhythm of waterfowl communication. Avoid constant calling; instead, use intermittent calling to imitate the ebb and flow of ducks and geese interacting. This can make your setup sound more convincing.

Variety and Realism: Try to replicate the vocalizations of the specific species you're targeting. Ducks and geese have distinct calls, and using the right call for the right situation can enhance your success. Mix up your calls to create a realistic and dynamic soundscape.


Waterfowling in the Mississippi Delta is a thrilling and challenging pursuit that requires careful attention to detail. By honing your decoy strategies and calling techniques, you can significantly increase your chances of success. Remember that patience, practice, and a deep understanding of waterfowl behavior are key components of a successful waterfowl hunt. As you embark on your hunting adventures, let Find A Hunt be your guide to finding the best hunting opportunities and resources to make the most of your Mississippi Delta waterfowling experience.