Blog / West Virginia Deer Hunting: Best Time of the Day for Deer Hunting

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, July 27, 2023

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Title: West Virginia Deer Hunting: Best Time of the Day for Deer Hunting


Welcome to Find A Hunt, your ultimate guide to all things hunting. In this article, we will delve into the exciting world of West Virginia deer hunting and explore the best times of the day to increase your chances of a successful hunt. Whether you are a seasoned hunter or a novice, understanding the deer's behavior and activity patterns can significantly improve your hunting experience.

1. Understanding Deer Behavior

Before we determine the best time of day for deer hunting, it's essential to grasp the behavior of these elusive creatures. Deer are crepuscular animals, which means they are most active during dawn and dusk. During these periods, they feel safer as it is harder for predators to spot them due to low light conditions.

Deer are also known for their cautious nature, relying on their keen senses of smell, sight, and hearing to detect potential threats. They have a heightened sense of awareness during the day and often seek shelter and rest in dense vegetation or wooded areas.

2. The Morning Hunt

The early morning hours, just before sunrise, are considered one of the best times for deer hunting. As the day breaks, deer venture out of their bedding areas to feed. This is an opportune moment to catch them off guard and unaware, increasing your chances of spotting and targeting a deer.

During the morning hunt, find a strategic position overlooking known deer trails, feeding areas, or water sources. Employ patience and remain quiet as the deer may be within close proximity.

3. The Afternoon Hunt

The afternoon hunt can be equally rewarding, especially during the late afternoon hours leading up to sunset. As the day starts to cool down, deer become more active again, leaving their daytime resting spots in search of food and water.

Focus on setting up your stand or blind near food plots, crop fields, or areas with lush vegetation. Deer are creatures of habit, and they tend to follow consistent feeding patterns. Position yourself downwind from these areas to avoid alerting deer with your scent.

4. Factors Influencing Deer Activity

While the early morning and late afternoon are prime times for deer activity, several factors can influence their behavior:

a) Weather: Deer are sensitive to weather changes. Overcast days or light drizzles may keep them more active during daytime hours, while extremely hot or windy days might reduce their movement.

b) Rutting Season: During the rut (breeding season), deer activity increases significantly, and they become more active throughout the day.

c) Human Disturbance: Frequent human activity in an area can push deer to become more nocturnal, reducing their daytime movements.

5. The Importance of Stealth and Patience

Regardless of the time of day, successful deer hunting requires stealth and patience. Move quietly through the woods, avoid sudden movements, and stay downwind to prevent your scent from alerting deer.

It's essential to remain patient and still for extended periods, as deer may take their time before emerging from cover. The more time you spend in the field, the better your chances of encountering deer during their active hours.


In conclusion, West Virginia offers fantastic opportunities for deer hunting, and understanding the best times of day for hunting can significantly enhance your success. Focus your efforts during the early morning and late afternoon when deer are most active. Remember to consider weather conditions, the rutting season, and the impact of human disturbance.

Always prioritize safety and follow hunting regulations and guidelines. Happy hunting, and may your next West Virginia deer hunting adventure be a memorable one! For more hunting tips and locations, visit Find A Hunt.