Blog / West Virginia Wild Boar: Tactics and Spots

By Connor Thomas
Friday, September 15, 2023

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  • Wild boar hunting in West Virginia offers a thrilling experience for hunters looking to challenge their skills and harvest some of the state's most elusive game. In this article, we'll delve into the tactics and spots that will maximize your success in hunting wild boar. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a beginner, our insights, in partnership with "Find A Hunt," will help you plan a successful and memorable hunting adventure in West Virginia.

  • Understanding Wild Boar in West Virginia:

  • Before we jump into hunting tactics and spots, it's crucial to understand the wild boar population in West Virginia. These animals, often referred to as feral hogs, have become a significant concern due to their rapid population growth and destructive behavior. Wild boars can be found throughout the state, but they tend to concentrate in certain areas, making those spots prime locations for hunting.

  • Tactics for Hunting Wild Boar:

  • Stealth and Patience: Wild boars are known for their keen sense of smell and hearing. To outsmart them, hunters should move quietly and slowly through the woods. Sit quietly and wait in strategic locations known for boar activity.

  • Use Scent Control: Invest in scent-eliminating sprays and clothing to reduce your odor signature. This will increase your chances of getting close to a wild boar without being detected.

  • Hunting Dogs: Well-trained hunting dogs, like the Plott Hound, can be invaluable in tracking and cornering wild boars. They can help you locate boar signs and flush out the game.

  • Night Vision and Thermal Optics: Many hunters prefer to go boar hunting at night when these creatures are more active. Night vision and thermal optics can give you a significant advantage in locating and targeting your prey in low light conditions.

  • Prime Hunting Spots in West Virginia:

  • Monongahela National Forest: This vast forested region offers diverse terrain and ample opportunities for wild boar hunting. Focus on the densest parts of the forest where boars are likely to seek cover during the day.

  • Kanawha State Forest: Known for its rugged terrain and dense underbrush, this state forest is another hot spot for wild boar hunting. Look for areas with natural water sources as boars frequent these spots for drinking.

  • Private Land: Don't underestimate the value of private land access. Many landowners in West Virginia allow hunters to access their property in exchange for assistance in managing the wild boar population, which can be destructive to crops and habitats.

  • Regulations and Safety:

  • Before embarking on your wild boar hunting adventure, be sure to check West Virginia's hunting regulations. Stay safe by wearing appropriate gear, practicing firearm safety, and informing someone of your hunting plans, especially when hunting in remote areas.

  • Conclusion:

  • Wild boar hunting in West Virginia is a challenging and rewarding pursuit. By employing the right tactics and choosing prime hunting spots, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt. Remember to respect hunting regulations and prioritize safety at all times. "Find A Hunt" is here to assist you in planning your next wild boar hunting adventure in the beautiful state of West Virginia. Happy hunting!