Blog / What is shed hunting?

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

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The job or hobby of hunters involves the application of a wide range of hunting techniques, some of which include shed hunting. Shed hunting refers to the practice of collecting or keeping antlers that different animals have shed naturally. It is worth noting that animal bones have been utilized for the production of handicrafts due to their high quality. Additionally, hunters often collect antlers as souvenirs of their dedicated activity or hobby.

One may ask, what is the significance of shed hunting? Shed hunting is beneficial to the population. However, it is not an easy task since finding the shed antlers can be quite complicated. Nonetheless, hunters over the years have trained their eyes to spot the antlers with ease. When a hunter finds an antler, it provides a sense of satisfaction, as the material of animal origin is highly valuable and can be used to create beautiful Christmas accessories, home decorations, among other items.

It is worth noting that in the current era, many people have created businesses with antlers. They make jewelry, lamps, tables, and various other items with this material. Shed hunting, therefore, improves productivity and allows hunters to have a good emotional state.

The question then arises, what is the right time for shed hunting? The appropriate season for shed hunting varies depending on the region. For example, deer shed their antlers around February, while elk shed their antlers between December and March. It is essential to consider factors such as the age of the animal, the natural environment, and the region when planning to go shed hunting.

The next question is, where can you find sheds? Hunters must locate areas where deer and elk spend the winter season. Many people who practice shed hunting ask for advice from experienced hunters, read information in magazines or websites, and take other necessary steps to achieve better results. Antlers can be found in tall grasses, brush, food plots, fence lines, water sources, areas surrounded by pine and cedar trees, among other places.

To do shed hunting, one must have the necessary clothing and accessories. Binoculars come in handy in spotting the areas better and finding small antlers. Breathable and waterproof hunting and hiking boots provide comfort and safety while walking in various areas. Additionally, in a Shed Hunting Backpack, one can carry water and other food and also transport the antlers found.

It is worth noting that shed hunting can be done in different areas, and over time, hunters can improve their hunting techniques to find a variety of antlers easily. Shed hunting is beneficial since the antlers can be sold or used to create crafts.