Blog / What safety precaution should you take when hunting from a boat?

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

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It is incumbent upon those who engage in the activity of hunting from a boat to take appropriate safety measures. The type of activity in question will ultimately determine what sort of precautions need to be taken. One of the most significant precautions involves ensuring that the boat is securely moored before firearms are discharged. But there are other essential safety considerations to be explored as well.

One such consideration involves the use of a personal flotation device (PFD), commonly known as a life jacket. This indispensable safety measure must be worn by all passengers aboard any watercraft, whether they are hunters or anglers. The PFD is a vital safeguard that can help prevent drowning in case of accidental loss of balance while hunting or fishing.

Regrettably, drowning incidents continue to be a leading cause of boating fatalities, particularly when no PFD was worn. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that the PFD is Coast Guard-approved and in good condition, without any tears or holes, before embarking on the water.

Another essential consideration is to ensure that the boat is brought to a halt before firearms are discharged. Boats, particularly flat-bottomed vessels commonly used for fishing and hunting, are vulnerable to instability due to weight shifts. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that the boat is completely stationary before firing any firearms.

The recoil from a fired gun can be potent enough to cause a loss of balance, especially on a boat. The vessel's stability can be ensured by stopping the boat and anchoring it. To further ensure stability when firing, it is recommended to remain seated and adjust your aim before pulling the trigger. This helps maintain the boat's balance and ensures a safe hunting or fishing experience.

When preparing for a hunting trip on a boat, it is crucial to pack only the essentials. Overloading the boat can negatively impact its balance, particularly after firing a firearm. Ensure that the weight is distributed evenly to maintain stability. Your safety is of the utmost importance, so don't overlook the significance of including all the necessary safety gear. In addition to hunting equipment and supplies, it is imperative to bring the necessary safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers and bells/horns. These items are legally required for larger boats, so make sure to factor in their weight when packing.

The safest position for hunting in a group is to face your backs towards each other. This prevents being in the firing range of your hunting companions. It is also recommended to limit your view angle to 180 degrees to enhance safety. When hunting with a partner, it's a good idea to agree on where each person will shoot while seated back to back. It's also essential to remember to sit while firing, rather than stand, as this reduces the risk of tipping over and having to get back on the boat.

During a hunting trip, it's common to remain concealed in one spot to avoid startling the prey. However, verbal communication can be disruptive. To overcome this, it's a good idea to develop hand signals to indicate your intention to shoot. This helps to maintain silence while hunting and improves safety.

Lastly, it is essential to keep abreast of weather conditions before engaging in any boating activity, including hunting. Boats, in general, are vulnerable to rough water conditions, and the danger of capsizing is elevated when combined with the recoil from firing a firearm. Stay informed of any weather changes during your trip, and if you encounter turbulent winds or an approaching storm, return to shore immediately. Your safety is the top priority, and it's better to err on the side of caution by ending the trip early rather than risking dangerous conditions on the water.

All things considered, it is apparent that there are numerous safety measures to consider when hunting from a boat. Having as many precautions in place as possible is essential to prevent accidents on the water.