Blog / Which shotgun choke is best for hunting a large slow bird?

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

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One option is fixed shotgun chokes, which have permanent casks and cannot be altered without a blacksmith's assistance. Although unchangeable, they tend to be more efficient and long-lasting. In contrast, adjustable shotgun chokes permit you to alter the barrel style as much as desired, with the sleeve and collar permitting you to change the barrel's diameter.

If you want to interchange the external barrel style and alter the constriction, interchangeable shotgun chokes are the way to go. However, the best shotgun choke for hunting a large, slow bird like a turkey is the full shotgun choke. This choke is dependable because of its wide diameter, and modifying it could cause you to miss the bird if shooting over a long distance.

Full shotgun chokes are exceptionally accurate, saving you time and bullets. Since large birds such as turkeys are slow, the chance of missing is minimal, and you can take them down before they escape. As long as you maintain a reasonable distance, hunting with a full shotgun choke is a fun experience.

Another option is the turkey shotgun choke tube, which is specifically designed for turkeys and is more efficient than full chokes. This shotgun choke has a wide barrel to enhance accuracy, and you can adjust the cask to help you choose at any distance. However, this shotgun is not suitable for other birds since it may not be effective.

The extra full shotgun choke is similar to the full choke but does not have any limitations and can fit in any shotgun. Since it is tight and wider, it can make maximum shots over long distances and take down large flying birds without difficulty.

When it comes to internal designs, there are three main types of internal shotgun chokes: conical parallel, straight conical, and wad retarding. The conical parallel comes with a cone that works with the parallel section to improve stability as it exits the choke. The straight conical only has a cone without a parallel section, making the cone's end the exit point. Finally, the wad retarding design lacks constriction but uses bumps to project.

In conclusion, hunting turkeys should not be a problem since they are slow and large. It is best to use turkey-specific shotgun chokes as they are designed for turkeys, but if you cannot get them, the full and extra full choke can still do the job. Maintaining a reasonable distance is crucial in improving accuracy.