Blog / Wildlife Behavior During Different Phases of the Moon.

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

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As avid hunters, understanding the intricacies of wildlife behavior is crucial to increasing our chances of a successful hunt. One often-overlooked factor that can significantly impact wildlife activity is the moon's phases. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we will delve into how different phases of the moon influence the behavior of various game species.

New Moon:

The new moon phase is characterized by minimal moonlight. During this period, many hunters believe that wildlife, especially nocturnal animals, are more active. Predators like coyotes and owls may be more active as they take advantage of the cover of darkness to hunt. It's also an excellent time to set up trail cameras to capture the nocturnal movements of game species in your hunting area.

First Quarter Moon:

As the moon begins to wax, providing a bit more illumination, you can expect some changes in wildlife behavior. Some game species may become more active during the early evening and early morning hours, making it a prime time for hunting. Deer, for example, might start moving from their bedding areas to feeding areas during this phase.

Full Moon:

The full moon phase can be a bit challenging for hunters. With the landscape bathed in moonlight, many animals, especially deer, tend to be more cautious and move less during daylight hours. They might also feed more at night. However, it can be an excellent time for predator hunting since they can spot their prey more easily.

Last Quarter Moon:

As the moon wanes and the night becomes darker, some game species, like deer, may become more active during the day. They feel less exposed in the darkness and are more confident moving in search of food. This phase can be an opportune time for deer hunting.


In conclusion, understanding the influence of different moon phases on wildlife behavior can significantly enhance your hunting success. While there are no hard and fast rules, these observations can serve as valuable guidelines for planning your hunts. Remember that local factors, such as weather conditions and food availability, can also affect wildlife behavior.

At "Find A Hunt," we are committed to helping hunters like you maximize their hunting experiences. By considering the moon's phases alongside other factors, you can fine-tune your hunting strategies and increase your chances of a successful hunt.

Whether you're a seasoned hunter or just starting, stay tuned to our website for more tips, advice, and hunting opportunities to make the most out of your hunting adventures. Happy hunting!