Blog / Wisconsin Waterfowl: Blinds and Tactics on the Mississippi Flyway

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, November 07, 2023

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Wisconsin is a paradise for waterfowl hunters, and the Mississippi Flyway offers some of the best hunting opportunities in the state. Whether you're a seasoned waterfowler or a novice looking to explore this incredible region, "Find A Hunt" is here to provide you with essential insights into waterfowl hunting blinds and tactics in Wisconsin.

Blinds in the Mississippi Flyway:

Hunting blinds are essential for concealing yourself from the keen eyes of waterfowl. In the Mississippi Flyway, there are several types of blinds you can use:

Layout Blinds: Layout blinds are ground-level blinds designed to blend into the surroundings. They are ideal for hunting along the riverbanks and fields of the Mississippi Flyway. Find a suitable location, set up your layout blind, and wait for ducks and geese to come within range.

Boat Blinds: If you prefer hunting from the water, boat blinds are a great choice. These blinds are typically mounted on boats and provide excellent mobility for chasing waterfowl along the river's winding channels and open water areas.

Permanent Blinds: Some hunters opt for permanent blinds, which are structures built in advance along the riverbanks or marshes. These blinds offer a consistent hunting location throughout the season but require proper maintenance.

Tactics for Success:

To maximize your hunting success in the Mississippi Flyway, it's crucial to employ effective tactics. Here are some tips to help you bag more ducks and geese:

Scout the Area: Spend time scouting the Mississippi Flyway to identify high-traffic areas and the preferred feeding and resting spots of waterfowl. Knowing the birds' habits will give you a significant advantage.

Concealment: Camouflage is key. Ensure your blinds and clothing blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment. Break up your silhouette by using natural vegetation to hide your blinds.

Decoy Spreads: Set up a diverse and realistic decoy spread. Use a variety of decoy types, including ducks, geese, and motion decoys, to attract and reassure passing flocks.

Calling: Mastering waterfowl calls is essential. Practice different calls to mimic the sounds of ducks and geese. Effective calling can lure birds closer, increasing your chances of a successful shot.

Timing: Waterfowl activity varies throughout the day. Early morning and late afternoon are prime times for hunting, as ducks and geese are more active during these periods.

Weather and Wind: Pay attention to weather conditions and wind direction. Ducks and geese often prefer to land into the wind, so positioning your blind accordingly can improve your chances of success.

Wisconsin's Mississippi Flyway offers exceptional waterfowl hunting opportunities, and with the right blinds and tactics, you can make the most of your hunting season. Remember that safety is paramount, and always adhere to local regulations and hunting laws. For more information on waterfowl hunting in Wisconsin and to find the best hunting spots, visit "Find A Hunt" – your ultimate resource for all things hunting. Happy hunting!